CHAPTER 1 - Who's he again?

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Today is like just any other normal day.

I was getting ready for my college.

College is exhausting nowadays.

I wish I could go back to school.

College I don't think so is my thing anymore.

I've always fantasised about being in college. 

That college life, which usually every teenage girl like me has ever imagined.

The expectations.

The imagination.

The dream college life which every girl has always dreamt about.


Because this is just a beautiful escape from reality.

Something bollywood movies made us believe.

Which is all just an imagination just a hallucination.

A vivid dream?

And tbh College is hell.

Worse than hell.

Nothing like I'd imagined.

It's always about studying.


And studying.

And the college I study in?


Don't even get me started on that.

It's a freaking jail.

It's so suffocating.

Well, at least my friends make it right for me.

They are the only reason why I go to college nowadays.

I sigh as I fill my bag with heavy 11th books.

Life is so hectic.

College, classes, assignments, coaching, tests, and all.

I wish I could find a way to escape all of this.

I close the zip of my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"Bye, mumma." I say as I take my keys and go out of the door.

I drive to college, yeah.

Another reason I love going to college.

I park my vehicle outside of the college and enter through the gate.

I walk upstairs and into our class.

Seeing all of my friends laughing about something.

"Hey, guys?" I say as I walk towards them.

"Heyy Zee." They all say in unison.

I smile as I walk towards them and hug them.

"You are late again ms Zee". Says the Hitler chicha.

Our principal probably.

He's definitely a Hitler.

"Move to your classes, students," he says and gives us all a death glare.

Then we hear someone running towards us.

Just the footsteps, and they stop near the class.

Behind Hitler chicha.

Oh, it's her again.

She's dead.

"Ahh, just the person I was expecting," our principal said.

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