5 years later

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Five years ago, the justice league ben gwen and kevin were the cause of the death of darksied which shook the galaxy knowing this news, they were not just earths heroes, but the universes, they were heavily praised, yet one day the slayer of darksied left, but yet no one knows why, but before i tell you that story, five years ago On the blue planet ben and Barbara have their last interaction 

I cant wait to see your work Barbara smiled as she grappled onto a nearby building 

Ben smiled as she turned around

Until we meet again ben said

She smiled and grappled away

Ben smiled 

But things were never the same after that


A motorbike skid the road of bellwoods night with a truck not to far behind

Inside that truck were too heroes

The not so new Rook blonko, an alien plumber who scored the best out of all his classes, he wore blue and black armouring with hints of grey 

And to the seat next to him was world hero ben Tennyson, user of the omnitrix and former wilder of the ultimatrix, he wore a white jacket with brown tracksuit pants, his hair was no longer kept clean and under his jacket was of course his black shirt with grenn strips and a white 10 in the middle

In the name of the plumbers you are in causes of multiple violations! And you are under arrest! rook yelled through the mic 

Fat chance bro! Fistrick yelled zooming 

Nice try partner, but let the pro handle this! Ben said scrolling through the aliens 

Uh ben, might i suggest you transform outside Rook said

Dont worry, im only using... ben said transforming into diamondhead

Upgrade! Wait what Diamondhead looked at himself 

Aw man omnitrix seriously? Diamondhead asked 

Uh ben this is why i suggested you go outside Rook said

Yeah dont rub it in just drive diamondhead said poking half of his body outside

He fired his diamonds on the tires of his motorcycle destroying them

Fistrick lost control and crashed into a pole

His bike exploded and the duo stopped

Fistrick got out

Not cool bros! Fistrick said holding his arm

Enough with the bros already bro uh dude! Ben yelled

Rook got out his prototool 

Arms where i can see them! rook commanded 

Dude we face him multiple times, you think you would learn Ben said

Fistrick grabbed his laser pistol and fired it at the duo

They ducked for cover

Told you Ben said as a laser passed by

Room fired back on fistrick 

Fistrick took cover

Now would be an excellent time to go hero Rook said ducking and shooting

Im trying okay?! Ben panicked as he scrolled through

Come on gravattack! Ben yelled as he scrolled

They heard a chopper, the duo looked at each other then to where they heard the chopper and they saw Fistrick holding a ladder

5 years later Ben 10 omniverse and young/ justice league pt2Where stories live. Discover now