Thats not up for debate

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The next day rolled around and it was the same old routine for the duo

So we get some chilli fries then we head to mr smooth then we go on patrol Ben said

Rook nodded

Dont have to remind me, we've done this multiple times Rook said

They parked the prototruck at the burger shack 

Odd it seems to quiet Rook said

Things have been different for 5 years now dude Ben said hands in his pockets walking towards the shack

Something was heard exploding behind them

They turned and saw a man shooting his gun at the duo 

The man wore a red spandex with a silver mask and a scope on his eye, wore silver amour plating

The man wore a red spandex with a silver mask and a scope on his eye, wore silver amour plating

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 They ducked

Deadshot! Ben yelled

Hello Tennyson, heard you left the league awhile ago, Amanda has plans for you Deadshot said reloading his gun

Tell her im still not interested in joining her suicide squad! Ben yelled

Thats not up for debate Deadshot said as he aimed his gun and fired

Rook shot back

Ben scrolled through his omnitrix and slammed down on the core

The alien that stood there had a purple body, with a pink face mask, a green eye and sharp crystals on his back, shoulders and arms

The alien that stood there had a purple body, with a pink face mask, a green eye and sharp crystals on his back, shoulders and arms

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Get ready for a beat down! Chromastone yelled

Great, this makes my job harder then it has to be Deadshot groaned as he fired upon Chromastone 

Chromastone walked through the bullets that deflected from his body 

He grabbed deadshots gun and crushed it

You realise i cant do anything about this right? Deadshot said

I know Amanda has you tied up in her palms so you have said Chromastone said

Then you understand why i cant go back empty handed! Deashot said as he headbutted Chromastone causing him to move backwards releasing him from his grip

Deadshot then slide kicked chromastone to the ground

Ugh Chromastone groaned

Deadshot was about to grab ben when rook open fired 

Deadshot dodged and aimed at rook firing with his back up sniper 

Stand down! Deadshot said as he aimed his gun at rook

Rook doing the same

Unfortunately that isnt up for you to decide! Rook said as he transformed his protool into a staff

So thats how you want to play it huh? Deadshot said ad he threw his gun to the ground cracking his knuckles 

Show me what you got kid Deadshot said

Rook charged him

Deadshot brought out his wrist and fired his grapple on him

Rook sliced it and kept charging

Impressive kid Deadshot said

Rook swung on deadshot who dodged 

Deadshot went for the ribs

Rook blocked it and kicked deadshot in the head

Deadshot while swinging brought out an knife and quickly regained balance trying to stab rook

Rook kept blocking his slash

Chromastone got up and saw the duo fighting

Chromastone made his hand become a blade and charged deadshot

Deadshot noticed and blocked it with his wrist

The two kept pushing on deadshot

Deadshot quickly moved from the two causing them to headbutt each other 

Deadshot then kicked rook in the guts

He tried to punch Chromastone who grabbed his fist and tossed him behind him

Deadshot landed on his back and he groaned

Rook put cuffs around him

You are under arrest Rook said as he picked him up

Leave him to me a mans voice spoke

Ben recognised all too well

Ben Batman said landing on the ground next to the duo

Hello bruce Ben rolled his eyes

Its been awhile Batman said

Yeah not long enough though Ben said crossing his arms

Batman took deadshot off of rook

Uh mr batman sir, in do believe i must take him in since i was the one who arrested him rook said

No, i have highly train authorised people trying to take the detonations out of deadshots brain, so he will be coming with me batman said

Rook only nodded

Ben we do need you back, the team needs you Batman said

Well if you needed me back you shouldnt of made me leave ben remarked

Im not here for old reasons, but for new things Batman said

Whatever im not coming back Ben said

Batman grunted

You might have to, we need your help Batman said

Maybe you should of thought about that 5 years ago! When did you help me then?! Ben snapped

Ben, we tried to-

No save it i dont want to hear it Ben said walking to the prototruck 

Im sorry mr batman sir, ben hasnt told me about your downfall i am trying to convince him to rejoin Rook said

Dont worry, he will come back, trust me Batman said as the batmobile showed up and batman placing deadshot inside 

Trust me Batman said driving off

 Rook looked at the prototruck and walked inside

Ben what really happened? Between you and the league? Rook asked

Ben sighed

I should of told you why i left Ben said

Why did you? Rook asked

Ben sighed 

Well it started five years ago Ben said

5 years later Ben 10 omniverse and young/ justice league pt2Where stories live. Discover now