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Ben looked around, seeing old and new team members left right and centre, some he could remember others, not so much, the team he once knew had wore new costumes, excluding superboy, he wore the iconic black t and red superman logo

Ben saw Rook meeting some members of the younger league, but ben noticed someone wasnt there

Hey, wheres Kara? Ben asked Nightwing

Uh well... its kinda complicated right now Nightwing

What happened? Ben asked

She found out, she had a clone of herself, from another dimension, one where kara was captured at a young age, she left and we havent seen her since after she killed her clone Nightwing said

Wow, that sounds traumatic Ben said

It was, i was there when it happened nightwing said

How long ago did this happen? Ben asked

3 years ago Nightwing said

Bens face fell

I wish i didnt leave, i could of helped her Ben said

Nightwing sighed

Its not your fault, you just left at a bad time Nightwing said

Ben sighed 

Just then Redhood appeared

Jason Ben acknowledged 

Redhood nodded 

Whats up? Nightwing asked

Its here Jason said

Ben and nightwing looked at each other before hearing loud booms

Ugh! Ben groaned 

Just then robots stormed the area 

Move! Cyborg yelled as he began firing them down

Everyone defensive positions! Nightwing yelled

More robots stormed in

Rook jumped down and began slicing them with his prototool 

I gotta get me one of those Robin said

Ben scrolled the omnitrix

Come on, give me Humungosaur, not greymatter, not Ampfbian, Humungosaur Ben said as he stopped scrolling and slammed the core down only to reveal a different alien

Ben looked at himself and shrugged 

Okay! Shocksquatch this will do, i mean its kinda like Humungosaur Shocksquatch said as he began slamming the robots to pieces

Flahses! Do your thing! Nightwing yelled as he began hitting the robots with his batons 

The duo nodded and began zooming fast taking out the robots

The other heroes kept fighting till none were left

What the heck were those? Beastboy asked as he spat out a piece of metal

Those were the robots from that ship Ben said kneeling down at one of them

How do you know? Superboy asked

Look Ben said as the omnitrix showed a projection from one of the robots view flying down towards earth

They continued to watch

This isnt an attack guys, i think this is an invasion Ben said looking at them

Again? You gotta be kidding me Kid flash groaned 

5 years later Ben 10 omniverse and young/ justice league pt2Where stories live. Discover now