A reunion

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Ben sighed looking at the photos of his phone, seeing the gang, they were so happy after that day, but he closed it, trying to move on

He heard someone knock on the door

Come in Ben said in his usual tone

Max walked in

Hey grandpa ben smiled

Max frowned at ben

What? Ben asked now concern about maxs change 

Ben, i know you dont want to rejoin, but you must reconsider Ben max said 

Ben sighed 

Grandpa, i dont want to rejoin, it will make things awkward between us Ben said looking out the window

That is why you need to go back, they need you Max said

For what exactly i heard this multiple times yet I barely know why im being contacted! Ben yelled

Because, they found something from outside of the milkyway Max sais

Bens head turned to his direction wide eyed

What? Ben asked

Max sighed

Batman contacted me saying he found something from outside our milky way, and we dont know if this is a threat or not, but they need you Max said

Why not send the plumbers? Ben asked

We already did that, we have had no status report from them in the past 34 hours Max said

Ben sighed and got up

Contact rook, tell him to meet me at the hall of justice ben said grabbing his white jacket

Max nodded 

Ben ran inside his garage and found his green time bike he and room had (with a little help from professor paradox)

Ben placed his helmet on and started the engine up

Ben zoomed off

After drifting through the streets ben made it outside the hall of justice rooks prototruck in jet form landed 

I have always wanted to be here Rook said with glee

Yeah its not that impressive ben said as he walked inside rook not to far behind

Inside they saw multiple people taking photos and having a tour of the place

Some kids noticed ben and room and cheered 

They waved

And as you can see the mighty ben Tennyson form member of the justice league entering the justice league room the tour guide said

Ben and rook entered and walked to the control panel 

Ben placed in his digits and opened to portal

Recognised ben 10 and unidentified guest

Override protocol 20956 Ben said

Override protocol activated welcome 

Ben sighed and walked through rook not to far behind

 As they walked out they saw they were in space and the justice league was seen in the room waiting for bens arrival

Ben saw superman, wonderwoman, martian manhunter, flash, and batman standing there

As the portal died down ben walked up to them

Ben it is good to see you again, love the clothes champ! Superman said

5 years later Ben 10 omniverse and young/ justice league pt2Where stories live. Discover now