Backstory of branic and plans

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Planetary defence systems active! The plumbers said over different coms

Batman monitored each camera which showed the defence systems

Close off Earth Batman said as the plumbers nodded, Ben teleported in and walked over to Batman and noticed something on the monitor 

Hey Bruce, look, one of ours are returning Ben said as Batman nodded

Hold, friendly incoming Batman said as the ship came back into the watch tower

Close off Earth now Batman ordered as the planetary defence systems activated 

Lets hope this keeps whatever it stays out Ben said hopeful

Agreed Batman said 

Martian Manhunter returned 

Any signs of Hal Jordan? Manhunter asked

Nothing, he must be out of communication range Batman said

Not likely, Hal told me the ring had a powerful range, only time it didnt work if something was interfering with it Ben said

Batman only nodded

Do you think whatever that thing is has a reason to come to us? Ben asked

Maybe, but whatever it is, we must prepare Batman said as Superman flew in

Clark Batman acknowledged 

Bruce, something is wrong Clark said holding his head

What? Batman asked

I don't know, but something is, i feel it, like i have seen whatever this ship is before Superman said

Well, maybe your species have countered whatever it is before? Ben questioned

Quite possibly Superman said as they heard an alarm

Well Clark, its your lucky day, maybe when we see this ship, you might remember it Batman said

Batman pooped up a holo of the ship and Superman grabbed his head again

Argh! Superman groaned as he fell

Clark! Ben said picking him up

Do you remember it? Batman asked

I fell like i should, but i dont Superman said trying to stand up

Batman began typing on the computer and noticed something

Manhunter, you said the ship picked up different lantern ring powers correct? Batman asked

Yes i did Manhunter said

Well whatever this thing is, also has Hal Batman said

The team went into shock

How do you know? Ben asked

It has a green lantern power source, and only Hal has the green ring on closest to Earth

What about John? Ben asked 

He is still on a mission halfway across the galaxy Batman said

A transmission came onto screen as Batman called the other leaguers, soon the message was now played below on Earth, where a yellow cyborg appeared on screen, Batman Superman Martian manhunter and Ben watched from the watch tower

Supermans eyes widened 

People of Earth, this is a warning and a message, i want the kryptonians immediately hand them over or suffer the consequences, you have twenty four hours to hand them over Branic said 

5 years later Ben 10 omniverse and young/ justice league pt2Where stories live. Discover now