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"Woah this place is as beautiful as they say!." Wally leaned against the window looking down at the ground

"And the tech here could give me some fantastic upgrades." Cyborg said messing around with his arm cannon 

Nightwing chuckled 

"Remember when we went here on one of our missions?." Nightwing asked starfire

"Yes i do believe so." Starfire said smiling 

"Back when the titans were together? Like the OG titans?." Cyborg asked 

"Yeah before we split." Nightwing said 

"Hold on, there was a team before?." Ben asked looking at them

"You betcha, it was a small team at first, we were called the teen titans, trying to prove we werent just the sidekicks, before we expanded with multiple other heroes we were it, Nightwing or Robin back then lead us, we faced many foes and made some new friends, before long we became a family, but one day robin got a transmission about Redhoods... vacation, after that, Robin left to join Batman once more, then star here went back to her home planet, raven disappeared and she still isn't found anywhere, then it was just my and beast boy, i was offered a spot on the justice league and took it, while beasty went back to the wild to protect endangered species from extinction, then fee years later, we formed another team, similar to the teen titans, but with teachers for new supers, then you came along, saved us and the galaxy, and next thing we know, almost everyone returned home." Cybrog explained

"Woah, seems like i barely even scratched the surface bout your past lives." Ben said as the ship landed

"Trust me, theres more to us then you could ever know." Nightwing said as they got out 

"Well, now what?." Ben asked

"Explore around and regroup up in a little, this is only the first area." Nightwing said 

Ben and Wally walked down the streets looking around 

"Dude this is amazing!." Wally yelled

"You're telling me!." Ben cheered as they kept walking 

They walked inside of a noodle shop and bought the best

"Hey, dont we need to pay for this?." Ben asked

Wally gulped the food

"Don't worry, i got it covered." Wally said as the person with the check came up

Wally took the check and didnt understand the price

"What currency is this?." Wally asked

Ben chuckled

"Its called Yen Wally, and according to it, we need to pay 30¥ for it." Ben said 

"I thought the whole world used this currency." Wally said showing an American currency 

"Dont worry, i have this." Ben said as he grabbed out his wallet pulling out a credit card

"When did you get that?." Wally asked

"Well, when you need to travel across the globe to protect it, your gonna need different types of currency for this." Ben said as they walked up and paid


As the duo kept walking ben saw a ring and looked at it

"Whats wrong ben?." Wally asked

"Wally look at this." Ben said showing Wally the ring

"Is it magical?." Wally asked

Ben chuckled 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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5 years later Ben 10 omniverse and young/ justice league pt2Where stories live. Discover now