28/ Garan Vs Yagura: Serious Mode

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Ch. 28: Garan Vs Yagura: Serious Mode

Sanbi Yagura: [Bijuudama]!

The gigantic mass of chakra fired by Yagura's Sanbi form fly and charge to Garan and the Rebels behind him.

He cannot retreat or evade it or the Resistance Group, Team Konoha and Mei will all die.

Seeing the incoming [Tailed-Beast Bomb], everyone is in Panic-Mode. But Garan just laugh in the face of it, confusing everyone.

Jiraiya: Did the brat finally lost his mind?

Garan: Huh?! We are not the same, Jiraiya. You grow panic in the face of that large amount of incoming Chakra. For me, it's nothing. So I just laugh.

 So I just laugh

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Mei: Do you have a plan, Garan-kun?

The [Bijuudama] is getting closer now.

Garan(smirks): Just leave it to me. I won't let you guys die. [Kuro Uzu (Black Vortex)]!

Garan extend both his hands and it was covered by something as black as the darkiest night

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Garan extend both his hands and it was covered by something as black as the darkiest night. Then, a Single Giant Black Fan-like Blade was form in front of him and spin.

When it came into contact with the [Bijuudama]! Everyones jaw hung in disbelief when the giant Beast Bomb stop and cannot go any further.

Yagura and his men, the Rebels, were also stared in shocked at the impossible thing happened right in front of them.

Sanbi-Yagura: What?! This is impossible?! How can your technique stop the Bijuu's strongest offensive Jutsu?! This is ridiculous!

Garan: Kahhh Kah Kah Kah! Deny it all you want but the truth is already in front of your eyes. Transform whatever you want and fire whatever Jutsu you have in your arsenal and it won't be enough! You have nothing on you that can threaten me, Fool!


Jiraiya: T-this Brat... Just what the hell are this techniques of his? How can it can stop a [Bijuudama]? Where did he get it?! Argh! So many questions but I have no answers! God damn it!

Chojuro: Garan-san... I don't want to... Face him... In battle.

Ao(nod): Y-yeah. I... Don't want to... Anger him... If possible.

Mei(heart eyes): Oh my God! He is just the most desirable bachelor in the world! I wonder if our relationship is not just a one night stand? I hope he is open to a more serious commitment?

Kushina heard Mei and was sad that their family and Konoha won't have the same relationship as she has with him.

Kushina: (Son, I just hope that you can still give us one more chance to make things right. We will do it even if we have to walk in grass of blades or swim in the river of burning coals. Just please give us one more chance.)

Kakashi(gulp): (Minato-sensei, if only you are seeing this. The decision you made before to neglect and abandoned your own son, it will come back as a karma and bite your ass hard.)

Is Kushina and Kakashi's thoughts while they are watching him fighting valiantly and standing toe to toe against the Tyrant Kage and Perfect Jinchuuriki.

As for the other member of the Resistance, all of them cheered loudly. Not only did the kid managed to stop the attacked but also saved them from almost-certain death.

Unconsciously, Garan's presence in their group become irreplaceable and he become their pillar of support against their Tyrant enemies.

[Garan Vs Yagura]

When the [Bijuudama] started shrinking after the Chakra was absorb by the [Black Vortex], Garan decided that enough is enough.

Garan: Tch, this is boring! It is time to speed things up. [Blackhole]!

Yagura: What do you mea-

He stop talking when he noticed that Garan's right hand return to normal and only his palm retain the Dark color.

In his right hand, the Darkness turn into a hole that have a strong gravitational pulling power. It is trying to pull, no, to completely sucked the shrunken version of the [Bijuudama].

As the [Bijuu Bomb] is continue pushing, the [Kuro Uzu] is absorbing it's Chakra at an alarming speed and the [Blackhole] is doing it's best to swallow it

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As the [Bijuu Bomb] is continue pushing, the [Kuro Uzu] is absorbing it's Chakra at an alarming speed and the [Blackhole] is doing it's best to swallow it.

Until not even a whole 10 seconds has passed and the [Bijuudama] has completely vanished without a trace. The [Kuro Uzu] and the [Blackhole] won. Garan won.

Yagura: T-this...

Bewildered and Shocked was everyone felt. In this fateful final war, except for those 2, the others become spectators only, that is waiting for the outcome of their battle.

Garan(smirks): I told you, didn't I? You have nothing that can threaten me, Midget. Now, allow me to seal your fate and do the honor of killing you. Rejoice! As I will now go all out on you.

Yagura(wide eyes): Y-you haven't gone all out in our battle? YOU DARE TO UNDERESTIMATE ME?! ME?! A KAGE?! ENOUGH WITH YOUR ARROGANCE, KONOHA-NIN! [SANBI STYLE: ROLLING ISOBU]!

Everyone(shock): They haven't gone all out, yet?! Just how strong are they?!

Yagura curled until his form become similar to that of the 10 Wheeler-Truck Wheel. Then, he begun charging, rolling and intending to flatten Garan.

Everyone watching didn't dare to look away. The fate of Kirigakure and everyone involved will be decided in this final confrontation between the 2 Titanic beings.

As for Garan... He raises his 2 hands higher, then...

Garan: Nice move, but it's my turn now... [Critical Over]!

 [Critical Over]!

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[To Be Continued...]

Next Chapter: Ch. 29: Killing Yagura

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