35/ Raiding Homura's House

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Ch. 35: Raiding Homura's House

Sasuke run fast and his speed easily rival some Chuunin level Shinobi. As he left the Hokage Tower, Kakashi was seen standing outside the place as he has Shunshin ahead.

Not just Kakashi though, Team 8-10 together with their Sensei Yuhi Kurenai, Sarutobi Asuma and Might Gai are with them as well.

Except for Gai and his look a like, Rock Lee, the other members of Team 9 didn't bother to introduce themselves to the others and stay a few distance away from and just watching the happenings.

Ino(wave): Over here, Sasuke-kun~!

Ino call out to him with adoration and love.

Sasuke(glaring): What do you want, Kakashi? Are you trying to stop me from killing those that Massacre my Clansmen and avenging them?!

But she was ignored (sigh... Seriously, Emo.)

Kakashi(shaking his head): No, Sasuke, I'm not. We are here under the orders of the Hokage to protect you as you kill Danzo's associates. Hokage-sama thought that it is only right that you avenge them.

"But we have also learn that Danzo's Root Anbu's are still around and under the commands of the 2 Elders, we will deal with them as you go ahead and handle those 2.

"Also, as we are sure that most of the Root Anbu that are at Jonin level will guard them, 2 of us will go with you. Me and Gai will have your back. Now, if you are ready, shall we go?"

Sasuke(sneer): Good, let's go. I can't wait sending those 2 old people to the grave after Naru-Garan killed Danzo. No one killed an Uchiha and try to use me as their puppet get away with such crime!

The other members of Team 7 reunited with them. And together, the 4 Teams split into 2 and run 2 separate direction's.

No, more like 3 Teams + Kakashi are in 1 group, while Team Kushina as the second group.

Kakashi, together with Team 8-10 went to Old Man Homura's house. While Team Kushina went to the Old Crone, Koharu's house.

Because they know that Elder Homura don't have his hands anymore courtesy to Garan, he will have more guards around him to feel secure as he has become paranoid of Garan. So more people will go.

For Team Kushina, their mission is to kill anyone, Root Anbu or Shinobi who sided with the Elders with the exception of Koharu herself. Killing her is Sasuke's job.

[Homura's House]

Elder Mitokado Homura is in his house sitting in his bed and thinking of ways on how to make Garan pay for cutting his hands.

Maybe he can make him suffer by having the Civilians attack him again just like when he was still a child.

Homura: No matter how strong he has become, I'm sure that he still have some trauma left from all those life threatening experience he had experience when he was just a helpless and useless brat.

"Mark my words, Majin Garan-no-Namikaze Naruto, I will have my revenge against you one way or another! You think that I will forget this humiliation you put me through in front of the Hokage and all the Councilmen?

"No! You will pay for this! And I will make sure that you will suffer more than mine! This grudge of mine will not disappear unless one of us is dead! And it will not be me who will fall first!"

He felt confident to scream those words because his house is surrounded by 100 Root Anbu hiding inside and outside of his house. Then-

Root Anbu(kneel): Homura-sama, I bring bad news.

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