40/ They Can Die In Front Of Me And I Won't Care.

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40/ They Can Die In Front Of Me And I Won't Care.

Garan went to the table where Tsunade is gambling and initiate a conversation.

Garan(Mask on): Greetings, Senju Tsunade, granddaughter of the Shodai Hokage, grandniece of the Nidai Hokage and former student of the Sandai Hokage. I require your help, can we talk somewhere else?

Tsunade turn her head around and look at the boy with a mysterious mask on and frown.

Tsunade: Who is asking?

Garan: I will tell you, but not here. There is a vacant lot just behind this casino, shall we talk there? And your student and your pet pig can join us as well, there is no problem.

Tsunade: ..........(Whoever he is, he is very strong. From the Chakra that he desperately tried to suppress, he can match me is a slugfest. Just who the hell is this boy?) Fine, lead the way.

Garan(chuckle): Why, of course. This way, please.

[Behind The Casino]

Tsunade: Now, can you please take the mask off and tell me who you are?

Garan(chuckle): Ah, Yes. Silly me.

After he take the Garan Mask off, Tsunade and Shizune's eyes widen as they recognize who the boy in front of them is.

Tsunade/Shizune(shock): Naruto/Naruto-kun?!

Garan(snicker): The name is Majin Garan now, and was approved and legalised. Well, let's talk about me and my name later, right now, I need your help.

Tsunade: Stop! If you want to bring me back to that curse village where I lost my Clansmen, little brother, fiancee and my family, then you can go back now. I don't want to return to the place that gives me nothing but pain.

"Also, Minato is still young, so I know that you're not here to ask me to become it's Hokage. But if it's to heal someone, than you also don't want me since I now have a [Fear of Blood].

"I am now useless in the Medical Field. In my stead, I want to recommend Shizune here. She is my disciple and I have taught here almost everything I know about this job, except for my super strength and the Seal in my forehead."

Her disciple was caught off guard at her word.

Shizune: But, Tsunade-sama! I don't want to leave you alone!

Tsunade: Nonsense! Shizune, I know that you miss the village so much and I am the only reason that stop you from going back. Now that an opportunity has come, seize it. This is you chance to return home.

Having sense that the conversation getting side track, Garan cough to get their attention.

Garan: Ahem! Ladies, let me continue first. First of all, you both are wrong in your assumption that I am here on behalf of Konoha.

"I left that hellhole of a village because of Minato's lies, saying that I have the soul of the Kyuubi when it was actually sealed into my siblings.

"For many years since I was young, I was subjected to many types of torture from the fools that lived there. It was only recently stop when I find this Mask and gain the memories of the previous owner and his techniques that don't require Chakra.

"Also, when I said that i left Konoha, it was... unofficial. I am now a Kiri Shinobi, but I also left a Shadow Clone in there to act as if nothing has changed. Of course, I pump it with a lot of Chakra, it won't pop easily.

"Soon, I will make my leave official and there is nothing Minato can do to stop me. Even if he knows, he still cannot hold me. He will die before he can even try, I promise you that.

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