Chapter 2

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"Hey... I am here but i am quickly going to change..." I say running into my closet taking off my clothes throwing them in the hamper in the bedroom... "Okay..." I hear Chris say and i smile as i look around to find something comfortable to wear... I had put the phone on the side table next to my bed as i was changing in the closet...

I smile as i walk out and crawl into bed taking the phone... "Hi..." I say and Chris is blushing... "What?" I ask but he shakes his head... "No nothing..." He says quickly turning bright red and i smirk... "Where is Dodger...?" I ask and Chris grins turning the camera around and i realize just now he is in bed... "Aaahw such a good boy... Out like a light..." I say smiling and Chris turns the camera back to him... "I have been wearing him out..." He says and i smile... "So, what have you been up to?" I ask and he has a big smile on my face...

"I just gotten home... So not much just relaxing... Spending time with Dodger..." He says and i smile... "Back in Boston i presume..." I say and he nods... "Home sweet home... Away from all the craziness... I get to spend some time with my family and just be Chris..." He says and i smile... "Yeah i am guessing you dont get special treatment at home..." I say and Chris smirks... "Noooo... Not at all... I love it though... Sometimes the whole Hollywood thing can get to you... It can be a lot..." He says and i nod...

"I can only imagine... I dont know how you handle the pressure and being asked the same thing over and over in interviews... It would drive me insane... I mean come on... How many times can they ask you if you are going back to the Steve Rogers role..." I say and Chris laughs... "It can get a little annoying at times but i dont mind... People loved that character... They still do... It is kind of flattering that everyone wants me to come back means i did a good job..." He says smiling proudly and i chuckle...

"What would you ask...?" He says and i look at him stunned... "I dont know... I am not a journalist... Or whatever they are... I am not saying i could come up with something original... But it is not my job to do so... They literally get paid to come up with something original..." I say and he laughs again...

"So, you were out with friends tonight?" He asks and i nod... "Yeah Eve and Skyler..." I say smiling... "We went to the bar next to the restaurant i work at to have a few drinks..." I say and he smiles... "I am sorry i interrupted your night..." He says and i chuckle... "It is okay... It gave me a good excuse to get out of there..." I say smirking and he blushes and i want to slap my face because of how that sounded... Chris grins and to my relief he ignores it... "Not much of a bar hopper?" He asks and i shake my head... "Every now and then... Dont get me wrong... I like having a few drinks with my friends hanging out but on a certain point i am just done and want to go home... I rather spend time with friends at home having a few drinks and be able to have a conversation without having to scream at each other..." I say and he smiles again...

"What about you?" I ask and he smiles... "I used to be... Now not so much... It is sometimes hard as people will come up to you and the more alcohol is in play the worse, they will be... But here in Boston i can get around relatively undisturbed. Besides i am getting old... I like to stay home..." He says and he lets out a sigh... "You are not that old... Besides if you have to be old to rather stay home... Then i must be 80..." I say and he laughs...

"I am serious... What i wouldn't give to just have a week with nothing to do... No work... No nothing just hanging around my little apartment... Locked away from the world and just relax lounge around taking naps or dancing around..." I say and Chris smiles... "Yeah that sounds amazing indeed..." He says smiling at me and i blush as it feels like he is staring into my soul...

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