Chapter 14

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"What are you wearing?" I ask shocked as Chris walks out the bedroom... "A suit..." He says confused and i take a deep breath... "Babe you dont have to wear a suit to meet my dad... He will not be wearing a suit... Can you please just go change..." I ask him and Chris looks at me hesitantly for a second... "I just want to make a good impression..." He whispers and i smile walk over to him and pull him in on his tie kissing him... "Trust me when i say you will make a better impression without the suit..." I say and he takes in a sharp breath and nods... "Okay if you are sure... I will go change..." He says but i dont let the tie go... I am enjoying having him on a leash...

I pull him in for another kiss before letting him go and he smiles and walks back into the bedroom... I had already gotten dressed earlier today as i was nervous and needed something to do... Before we came to Hartford i had called my dad to set it up and told him i wanted him to meet someone... He had just grunted, and we had set it up... To most people he would come across as a grumpy old man but deep down inside he was just a big teddy bear... He just wasn't good with emotions around most people...

He had asked me if the person he was going to meet was a guy and when i had confirmed he had been quiet for a second... I had told him i was dating someone and that it was serious and to please behave as i wanted him and Chris to get along... I dont know what i am going to do if they dont get along... I know my dad... And with him working in construction a man in a suit meant trouble or a headache... I just prayed that he and Chris would get along and that my dad would be on his best behavior...

Chris walked back out and i smiled... "Better?" He asked putting his leather jacket on over his Henley shirt and i smile walking over to him and smiling... "Much better..." I say and i kiss him again... "To my dad men in suits mean trouble..." I whisper as we break the kiss, and he smiles... "Noted..." He mumbles and i chuckle... He looks nervous and i smile fixing his hair... "It will be okay... He might come across all grumpy but deep down inside he has a heart of gold... He just has to get to know you a little bit before he shows that side of him..." I say and Chris smiles... "How long does that usually take?" He asks and i chuckle... "No clue..." I mumble and he groans...

"I have never been this nervous meeting a parent..." He mumbles and i look at him surprised... "Why?" I ask and he sighs... "Your dad is important to you... I want him to like me... I dont want you to feel like you are caught between me and your dad..." He whispers and i smile and cup his face with both hands... "Chris... As long as you will make me happy... My dad will be happy... He is not the kind of father that meddles with my private life unless he thinks i am in danger..." I whisper trying to convince him but maybe i am trying to convince myself to a little bit...

The only man i have ever introduced to my father was Rick and they got along great... My dad respected him and i know even though he never had said it he loved him... I take a deep breath to calm my own nerves and smile at Chris... "He will love you..." I whisper throwing his words back at him from when i was nervous to meet his mother...

I grabbed the food i had made for dinner... I didn't want to spend my time there cooking so i had prepared it earlier today and all i had to do was put it in the oven... It was nothing fancy... But it was my dad's favorite meal... Chicken casserole with spinach and pasta... and as dessert an apple pie with whipped cream...

"Let me carry those sweetheart..." Chris said and he took the food from me and i grabbed my purse and Chris his car keys... We walk out and i lock the door behind me and we step in the elevator to go down... Chris puts the food in the back of the car and opens the car door for me and i smile as i pull him in for another kiss... I can feel his anxiety and i dont know whether to find it adorable... or heartbreaking...

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