Chapter 82

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Chris pov...

I feel strange... Everything is dark... I can't see anything... But i can hear Elle... I hear her softly sob begging me to fight and to please wake up and as much as i want to open my eyes and squeeze her hand back i can't.

I can hear her talk about all these beautiful things, about our future... She keeps apologizing, and it breaks me as i want to tell her there is nothing to apologize for... I would do it all over again if it meant to keep her safe... I can feel her hold my hand. I can feel her tears and i want to comfort her but i can't move... Everything is so dark and yet the sound of her voice is my light, her voice keeps me sane... I can't move but i can hear her... I try to open my eyes and try to squeeze her hand desperate to let her now i am listening but nothing... I wish i could just fucking move and tell her to lie with me... But i can't, all i can do is listening to her sweet voice...

I heard ma... She was here... She told me to stop joking and wake up... Ma is here... That means it must be bad and that i won't wake up soon... Maybe the doctors keep me in this state. Doctors do that right? Ma talks to me whispering in my ear that i need to wake up for Elle... That she is not doing so great... I hear another familiar voice and i realize that Elle's dad is here to and that brings a little bit of relief... I focus on him and i hear i am in trouble if i dont wake up... This makes me smile... Even if it is probably not visible on my face... I think i even heard Dwayne telling me to better pull through and to not worry that he would help Elle were he could... 

Every now and then i hear unfamiliar voices and i guess those are doctors... But now all i hear is Elle... My sweet Elle... At least she is physically okay... The last thing i remember was her kissing me over and over again telling me that she loved me... I remember clutching onto her as the girl was screaming for her to let me go, so she could kill her. At that moment i realized that if i let Elle go, she would be dead for sure... I dont remember anything after that... After that everything went dark...

I wonder how long i already am like this... Every memory is fuzzy as i try to make sense of them... I can't seem to put things in order so i give up and focus back on Elle's voice as she is still talking to me... Hearing her voice is comforting... I want to listen to it forever, but it gets softer and softer as the darkness takes me...

I hear beeping... I open my eyes and it is bright... It takes me some time to adjust and get used to the light... But when i do i realize i am awake... The darkness is gone and i can see... Everything hurts as i look to the side and see Elle her head laying on my hand as she clutches it... She is wearing scrubs her hair is messy... I can feel her breath on my skin... 

I try to move my hand wanting to touch her... She stirs and her head shoots up... "Your awake..." She says and she jumps up and kisses my forehead... But then i start to panic as i want to talk but can't... Something is in my mouth, and it is getting hard to breathe... Elle presses a button and people come running in... "It is going to be okay baby... Please calm down... It is going to be okay..." I hear Elle say as she makes room for the doctor and nurses...  I hear a doctor tell me to relax and that they are going to remove the tube... Whatever that means... But i soon find out as he pulls the tube out of my throat... I cough and it hurts... It fucking hurts... "Breathe..." One of the nurses says and i gasp for air a few times before finally calming down... 

I turn my face to where Elle was last and see her with her arms wrapped around her body... She looks scared and i give her a little smile... She gives me a smile back... The doctors and nurses talk to me but all i can do is look at Elle... She looks tired and if she has been here for a long time... Still, she is the most beautiful woman on earth... I just feel relief as i can see she is okay... She doesn't seem physically hurt... 

"Mr. Evans!" A harsh voice says pulling me out of my little stare and i look at the doctor annoyed... "Do you know where you are?" The doctor asks and i nod... "Hospital..." I say my voice is raspy and it hurts to speak... "Water..." I mumble and a nurse holds a cup of water with a straw in front of me... They do all sorts of checks asking me all sorts of questions. I answer but keep my focus on Elle who smiles at me with tears in her eyes... I am getting annoyed... I want them gone as i want a moment with Elle alone... I see her text on her phone but still smiling at me... 

Then the doctors finally leave. I haven't heard half of what they said but i dont care. My whole body hurts but i dont care... I just wanted them to leave me alone so i can cuddle with Elle... She walks over to me and takes my hand. "Welcome back..." She whispers and i smile lifting my hand putting it on her cheek... "Hello sweetheart..." I whisper and she breaks and starts to sob sitting down holding my hand pressing her forehead against the back of it...

"Shhhh..." I whisper and i lift my hand stroking her head ignoring the pain in my chest as i do so... "It is okay... I am going to be okay... I would never leave you and Faye... Not without a fight..." I rasp at her... "I love you..." I whisper and she looks up her face red and puffy... "I love you to..." She whispers standing up and gently pressing her lips on mine again... And just for a brief moment all the pain disappears...

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