Chapter 70

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Chris pov...

I check my phone again not trying to make it obvious as i am talking with the director about the scene and how he wants it. I have been texting with Elle throughout the morning but for the last 2 hours she has been quiet. I know she is probably preoccupied with Faye and hasn't had time to check her phone yet but i can't help but worry. I am having a harder time being away from them then i thought i would. I miss them so much and i almost thought about staying home when Elle was telling me she didn't like me going... Elle knows exactly how to play me to make me stay... No, it is not fair to say play me because i dont exactly mind it. I sigh and wish i was home with my girls. 

"Evans!" I hear snapping out my thoughts and for a moment i think i got caught daydreaming and the director was snapping me out of it, but when i look at him he looks just as confused as me... I turn around and see Dwayne walking up to the biggest smirk on his face. 

"Look what i found..." He says with a big broad grin on his face. He steps aside and my eyes grow wide seeing Elle, with the pram and Dodger glued to it... She is here... She, Faye and Dodger are really here and all of a sudden, a wave of emotions hits me and i have to fight my tears as i am just so happy to see her and all i want is to hold her and our little girl. "Excuse me..." I mumble to the director and rush over to her... "Hey sweetheart..." I say wrapping her in my arms taking in a deep breath... "Hey handsome..." She whispers giggling hugging me back... "Surprise..." She softly whispers and i feel my body relax as i know now why she was not responding to my texts... 

"I thought you might need a little Faye cuddle..." She whispers... "Not just a Faye cuddle..." I mumble and hold her tightly... But when Faye starts to fuss i finally let her go and take Faye out of the pram. As i am cuddling with Faye giving her kisses all over her cute face i hear Dwayne and Elle giggle. Dodger barks and i smile and get down to his level. "Sorry bud. I am happy to see you to..." I say giving him some scratches behind his ear and he wags his tail just happy to get his moment. When i stand back up i focus my attention on Faye again hugging her tight and taking in a deep breath as her smell calms me.

"What?" I ask looking up at them and Elle smiles... "You're just the cutest..." Elle says and i blush... "Aaaah dont be shy Evans... Welcome to girl dad live..." Dwayne says patting my shoulder before cooing at Faye who studies him with her big blue eyes... Elle just smirks and takes a picture taking us by surprise. 

"I thought she looked tiny compared to you... But damn..." Elle says looking at the photo on her phone and we all laugh... "Can i?" Dwayne asks me and i hand Faye over to him al may it be a bit reluctant. Faye just looks at him with her big eyes... She stretches out her little arms and puts them on Dwayne's face and i smile as she is starting to squeal hitting his face with her little hands. "I think she is probably confused that there is no hair to pull on..." Elle says and when we look at her, she is doubled over laughing finding herself hilarious. Dwayne and i look at each other and shake our heads... 

Elle walks over to me hugging me from the side putting her head on my chest. I wrap my arm around her and kiss the top of her head... "Thank you..." I whisper and she looks up at me and smiles. "I knew you were missing Faye..." She whispers and i chuckle... "Not only Faye sweetheart..." I say and she blushes... The director joins us and soon Faye is the center of attention and loving it. Dodger is a little bit more anxious about the whole thing and i take the leash, so he doesn't jump up to the people holding Faye. It makes me smile though that he is so protective. Not in an aggressive way but in a way to let them know he is watching over her. 

The director decides it is time for lunch. Which makes me happy as it means i get a little bit more time with my girls before we have to get back to filming. "Okay that is enough..." I say as i pry Faye out of the arms of one of the camera guys holding her protectively against my chest making Elle chuckle... I carry Faye still holding Dodger on the leash who seems to be more relaxed now that i have Faye. Elle pushes the pram following us to the food court that was set up for us. 

To my surprise Elle brought a bottle of her milk for Faye. Normally if she feeds Faye, she just breastfeeds but i guess she is not comfortable doing that here. She smiles and hands me the bottle and i smile back when i realize why she brought the bottle. She brought it so i could feed her. 

I am happy and content with Elle sitting next to me and Faye in my arms drinking her lunch. While Dodger has his head on my knee watching her. I look at him and smile. "Such a good boy..." I say to him, and he seems to be smiling. But the thought of them going home is making me feel sad again. I know it is ridiculous. I know it is just during the day and that it is normal to be working. But still i can't help but miss them. Not having them around feels like someone is sitting on my chest making it hard to breath. When did i become this person... Not that i mind. I never been happier.  "Why dont you stay... You can hang out in my trailer with Faye... Just relax and hangout watch movies or i dont know read anything you want... My assistant can get you anything you need..." I whisper in Elle's ear, and she looks up at me and smiles. 

"Would that make you happy?" She asks and i nod... "I just miss having you two close by... Just for today. I dont expect you to be here every day..." I say blushing and Elle leans in and gives me a soft sweet kiss. "If that makes you happy, we will stay..." She says and i take a deep breath as it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

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