Chapter 20

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I wake up to groaning and i open my eyes and see Chris rolling on his back grabbing his head... "Goodmorning..." I whisper and Chris groans again... "Morning... Nothing good..." He whispers and i chuckle... I want to cuddle him but all of a sudden, he gags and jumps off the bed and runs to the bathroom... I pull a disgusted face as i hear him throwing up... I sigh and shake my head and get out of bed and walk into the bathroom... I crouch down next to Chris who throws up again and i rub his back... "Okay let it all out... It will make you feel better..." I whisper and he groans... "Sweetheart I dont want you to see me like this..." He says barely audible and i sigh and roll my eyes... "It is okay... I dont care..." I whisper back and he groans again before he throws up again...

I keep rubbing his back and when he pauses between throwing up i stand up and take a washcloth putting it under cold water before walking over to him and dapping his forehead... He sits down leaning against the cold tile of the wall forcing a smile at me and i stand up and grab another washcloth and walk back over to him and wipe his mouth... He forces a smile at me again and i smile back...

"How bad was i?" He asks softly a blush appearing on his pale skin and i smirk but shake my head... "Not that bad... Sweet and funny... Clingy." I whisper smiling and he blushes even more... I dont want to embarrass him and bring up the whole marry me thing... Or maybe i dont want to know what sober him would say about it... I hadn't taken it too seriously as he had been drunk... But i liked to think he was partly saying the truth and didn't want to burst my bubble... At least not yet...

"God my head... I am getting too old to be drinking like that..." He murmurs and i chuckle... "It was the shots..." I say and Chris groans... "Why didn't you stop me...?" He says with a little smirk on his face and i roll my eyes... "41..." Is all i say and he chuckles before letting out a groan... I stand up again and grab some Advil and a glass of water and hand it to him... "Here take this... It will help... And maybe some breakfast?" I say but Chris groans and shakes his head... "Can we lay down for another minute..." He whispers and i smile and nod... He takes the Advil and drinks the water and i help him up... He brushes his teeth and i watch him a little worried as he is still white as a sheet...

"Come on..." I say when he is done and i take his hand and lead him back to bed... But instead of laying down i sit up with my back to the headboard crossing my legs and tell him to lay face up... He does as i say and i smile massaging his temple and forehead... He hums and groans... "That feels so good sweetheart...I dont deserve this..." He murmurs with his eyes closed and i smile lean down and plant a kiss on his forehead... "Dont be like that... I dont mind taking care of my handsome hungover boyfriend..." I whisper and continue massaging his temples... "That reminds me... When we get back i have to buy a massage table..." He mumbles and i chuckle...

After massaging his head, he fell asleep again and i got out of bed and walked to the kitchen... "Good morning..." I say as my dad is sitting at the kitchen counter and i smile... "Chris didn't sound so happy..." He says smirking and i chuckle... "Nope... He has thrown up and is asleep again..." I say and my dad laughs...

"Coffee and breakfast?" I ask and my dad smiles and nods... "Eggs? Bacon? Toast?" I ask and he smirks and nods again... I put the coffee on and start on breakfast and dad follows my every move... "You really seem happy here... Like you belong... His family is nice and very welcoming... You have a smile i haven't seen for a long time..." He says and i look at him and smile even more... "I am happy..." I whisper and dad nods... "Good... But if he hurts you... I will hunt him down..." He says and i shake my head letting out a chuckle... "You have to get in line then..." We hear and both of us look at Scott who enters the kitchen smirking...

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