Away Part 2 | Aditya Karikalan x Nandini

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      Aditya came back from his hunting. Well.... He hadn't been able to find any animals, it seemed like the animals were scared of coming near him, so he had collected some berries and wild vegetables. He also had been able to find some vegetable seeds. Him and Nandini had decided to start farming so that the will be able to veggies more efficiently.

      He went inside and found his Nadini, his love on the floor in the smallest room. There were three rooms in their hut. One was the bedroom, one the hall with the kitchen, the last was the smallest room they made, it kept all of their previous times possessions in a box. Nandini had kept all her jewels on a plate as they were originally her ex husband's, but then there was his sword, a few of his ornaments, a bit of money and a gold ring.

      The gold ring had originally belonged to Adhitya but he had given it to Nandini when they were teenagers. She had kept it with her all the time. 

      "Nandini" Karikalan said softly approaching her. She looked at him with a slight smile on her face. Karikalan sat next to her. He saw what she was holding. It was that same golden ring.
   "Priye, why are you staring at it? " He said taking the ring from her and examining it.
   "It reminds me of our last meeting. It was the last time I had seen you" She snuggling close to him
   "How can I ever forget it? " Karikalan replied slowly stroking her smooth hair.


      It was the last night in which they were together but they didn't know it at that time. They were sitting on their usual spot. It was a big banyan tree, away and well hiden from anyone's eyes, on the banks of the Ponni nadi. They were sitting with their hands intertwined, enjoying the cold breeze.
   "Adhitha, do you think your elderly will exept us? " She said in a worried tone. They had told them about their relationship three days ago and they were still waiting for their answer.
   "I don't know priye..... But I wish they do." He looked at her with a loving smile.
   "But whatever their decision is, I promise you that I will always love you. " He said putting his hand on her shoulder and pulling her closer to him. They stared at each other. Eyes filled to the brim with love, the heart with hope. Expecting nothing but each other from life. Wanting to live, only for the other. Unbeknownst to the horrors waiting for them in their destiny.

      He got himself out of the staring trance and pulled out a gold ring from a small pouch on his waist. He kissed it and held it out to her.
   "Here Nandini, I don't know what the future holds for us but I want to give you this, whenever you miss me, want me, anything, I will always be with you." He said giving it to her.

_present time_

      "I will always be with you" Nandini said looking at him. It was this sentence which had kept her going forward in her life after their separation.

      "Well.... I wasn't wrong was I?" He said with a chuckle " You never left me, Yes, you  were separated from me, but it was your smile, the love in your eyes, your love for me, which kept me alive. It was the thought that you were alive and well, which kept me going with my life priye." He looked at her.

      There was a silence in between them. Karikalan had learned to cherish these little silent moments in the past few weeks. God knows for how much more time will they be able to sit in silence. With the little one's arrival in a few months...... He brought himself out of this thought and stared at her.

      They were staring at each other, lost in each other's eyes, lost for words, lost in the love they shared. No words could describe the love they shared.

( A/N )

Finally, the most long awaited and most requested chapter is here! I had to bang my head on the walls to come up with something for the part 2. As I had said in the firt part, I wasn't able to think of much, but I enjoyed writing it. And talking about this chapter.....well....... I loved writing this, I was smiling writing the interaction scene, I was sooooo loving writing this and
I hope that you guys like this too! 

° Any suggestions and feedback appreciated. °

∆ Requests Accepted ∆

_ All work is original. Do not copy _

> Tell me if you want a part 3 ;) <


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