There for each other | Vallavarayan Vanthiyathewan x Kundavai

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      Vallavarayan Vanthiyathewan was sitting on a bench in the palace garden. The garden was the one which was nearest to Kundavai's chambers. He was still reminiscing about his and Kundavai's talk before Manimekali's death. Her death. Oh my god, it still made him tear up. As he was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice that someone was approaching him.

      Kundavai was looking out of the window, she had been sleepless for many nights to count. She hadn't eaten much too.... Yeah she was going through a rough patch. She didn't have anyone to confide to. Just then she saw a shadow on a bench in her garden, she got her sword out and started to walk to the place. The sword felt too heavy for her, for some reason, but she kept going.

      As she reached the bench, she understood who the mysterious shadow was. It was Vallavarayan Vanthiyathewan. Her prisoner to be exact. His head was bent over the bench, and she saw something shining around his eyes. He was crying. Her heart broke into a million pieces seeing him cry. Alone.

      She quietly sat beside him. He felt someone was there beside him, but he was too lost in his thought to care. She scooted near him and placed her hand on his head. Feeling her touch, he started to become more emotional. Tears started to flow on a faster rate. Seeing what her simple touch is doing, she moved her hand on his shoulder and pulled him close. He was sobbing his eyes out on her shoulder.

      He knew this person was someone whome he knew well, and that they were trusted. He knew it was a girl as he heard her bangle's sound. He knew it was his Ilaya piratti by her touch. As much as he wanted to stay strong in front of her, he wasn't able too. A few days back, he had even teared up in front of Ponniyin Selvan but he had kept himself together. But this was different. Her touch made him feel loved, comforted, and assured, so he gave in. He let loose all the emotions he had in him stored since Aditya Karikalan's death.

      She was slowly shushing him while running her hands through his hair. Tears were building up in her eyes too. The death of her brother, her step mother, her grandfather figure, and the overall emotional burden which was being bestowed on her was too much. She was the one who should be strong and console everyone in her family. She knew she had to stay strong for her parents, for her friends, for her thambi, for her people, so she had bottled up everything. But by being in Vanthyathevan's embrace, the dams of emotion inside her broke.

      He started to feel a bit of wetness in his hair. He looked up to see a tear stained Kundavai. 'She looks so beautiful while crying too' he thought to himself. They both stared at each other. Tear stained. They had been flirting with each other, talking gracefully, in their full glory, in the morning. But this time they both had got their guards down. This time they had opened up to each other, they were there for each other in their lowest times.

      They both were staring at each other. Lost. Then without any notice, they started to laugh like madmen.
   "So... You can guess what is it with me but what happened with you? Why were you sitting here? " Kundavai asked Devan.
   "Devi, today after I got that letter, I went to meet her. You know who. She was completely gone mentally. She thought she was in heaven when she saw me. She thought she was dead. She thought of me, she was saying my name till her last breath. She passed in my own hands. " He said, his voice breaking. He was looking at his hands.

      Kundavai saw the sadness and guilt on his face and slowly laced her seen hands in his own. He looked at their intertwined hands and then again at her. She looked tiered so he placed his free hand on her head and gently placed it on his shoulder.
   "I love you and will always be with you anpē" She said dozing off peacefully after a long time.

      He looked at the sleeping Kundavai and smiled. She looked cute while sleeping for him. He slowly kept her head on the bench. He placed hid hand under her knees and other under her neck and started to carry her inside, towards her chambers. He thought that it would be unethical and unsafe for her to be found sleeping on a bench in a garden.

      He gently placed her on her bed and pulled her covers on her. He bent down and placed a tender kiss on her forhead.
   "I love you too, priye" He said fondly looking at her. As he said this he heard some footsteps nearing him.
   "Who is there? " Called a voice. Dread filled him as he heard it. He was caught and this wasn't good.

( A/N )

I hope that you guys liked this onehot. Instances mentioned are from the book. If any confusion let me know! :)

Any suggestions and feedback appreciated.

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_ All work is original. Do not copy _


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