4, Victoria: I go dumpster diving for dogs:)

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I spun around just in time to dodge the spike that came flying at me and then flew past me.

"What the Tartarus was that for." I yelled at the monster behind me.

"Traitor, Deserter." The Manticore Yelled at me.

Which was the exact moment I recognized him.

"What do you want dr. Thorn." I asked dejectedly.

"I'm here to get revenge for what you did!!!!" He responded aggressively.

"What exactly did I do that make you so mad!!!" I yelled back at him even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"If you hadn't Deserted, Nero would never have fallen If it wasn't for you, He would still be in power!!!!!!" He yelled Aggressively.

Oh, please all you care about is your expensive suits and money!!! I yelled Back at him.

Say hi to Tartarus for me. I said, as I pulled my Celestial bronze sword out of seemingly thin air and charged at him.

He flung another spike although this time I didn't dodge instead I brought up my Imperial gold dagger and sliced the spike out of the air.

I'm sure you're wondering where the sword and the dagger came from. well, they came from my earrings just like how Meg swords came from her rings or how Percy's ballpoint pen turns into Riptide but more on that later let's get back to the fight.

We traded blows back-and-forth for a few seconds at this point I was just really toying with them. I could've killed him a while ago but being stuck in a car for a while makes you antsy and I wanted to get some energy out.
I finally got bored with him, so I just simply dodged his next swipe, and drove my sword into his side. He yelled in pain before collapsing into dust.

Now I have to get gas and eat my muffin. I said to myself, as I got back into the car willing my weapons to turn back into earrings.
I decide to eat my muffin 1st and drink my lemonade because at this point, I was very hungry.

After that I drove to the nearest gas station which was about a two second drive considering the fact that it was across the street after I pulled in next to one of the gas pumps, I got out my green cash card turned off the truck and got out.

I'm sure you're wondering how a lotus casino cash card would work on a gas pump but actually surprisingly simple all you have to do Is manipulate the machine into thinking it's a credit card or debit card which is really easy to do with the mist.

After I finished filling up the truck I parked it in front of the gas station got some cash out because you never know if the cash register person will be clear sighted and it's really hard to try to explain to a mortal  why you're paying with a green cash card instead of a Credit or debit card anyway i went inside to get some snacks for the road because what's a road trip without snacks?!?!?!

After much debate I finally settled on getting a large pack of air heads Rainbow strip thingies and blue Gatorade.

As I was walking up to the counter to pay, I was very happy that I decided to pay with cash instead of my cash card because I could tell immediately this Mortal was clear sighted from the way she was eyeing my scars with her dark blue eyes. That morning whenever I put on makeup, I had covered up the ones on my face, but I left the ones on my arms and legs exposed the only thing hiding them the Mist. But I was used to the stairs whenever you have scars like mine you get used to it.

Anyway, As I walked up to the counter, I gave her a smile handed over the goodies she rung them up simultaneously tucking a strand of her Light brown hair behind her ear. After paying Just before I walked out, I heard her call out and say here as she handed me A small package of Glazed donuts what's this for, I asked. Oh, nothing just a gift she said with a knowing smile. And then turned around and walked back behind the counter.

Still processing what I just happened I walked out of the station and heard a whining sound coming from the side of the building.

I quickly walked to my truck put my snacks in the passenger seat and then walked around the side of the building to see what was making the whining sound what I saw broke my heart a little bit. I was staring at a puppy hiding under a dumpster.

I'll never understand why people would do this just dump these dogs like trash

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I'll never understand why people would do this just dump these dogs like trash.
I quickly walked over to the dumpster bent down and carefully stuck my hand under the it to be sure not to get bitten.

The puppy sniffed it cautiously and then rubbed against my hand, so I carefully scoped them out from under it and pulled the puppy into my arms as I did so they reached up and licked my chin.
And I instantly fell in love.

I walked back over to the car simultaneously seeing if they were a female or male, she's a female.
Once I caught a car, I carefully set her down in the passenger seat and dug through my small pack of belongings looking for my phone and some ambrosia since the back of my head was hurting for no apparent reason.
Once I found it, I quickly dialed in the number I knew by heart as I bit a little off of A square and rapped it back up.
And waited It rang three times before someone finally picked it up.

Hello this is the Jackson residence said a female voice from the other end my whole body instantly stiffened. I knew that voice it was Percy's mom, Sally Jackson I took a deep breath and then responded hello is Percy there I need to talk to him. No, he's not here right now. Who is this? She asked, I'm a friend of Percy's whenever he gets in can you tell him that V needs to talk to him. It's urgent. I said, and then hung up.

Word count 1066

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