random bull shirt gooooo

253 7 8

glyph girl:im bored


glyph girl: y r u awake at 3:55 am 

badbutsadboy:i could ask you the same question

prankster1: whats this

glyph girl:how have u only just found us 

prankster1: i lost my scroll

prankster2:i hid it

glyph girl:why am i not suprised

LUZbian calAMity: wait ed and em are on here i got to change my name

prankster1+2:too late

LUZbian calAMITY:well my life is ruined where is the nearest cliff

glyph girl: ed, em keep ur frickin mouths shut and amity if u jump of a cliff i promise i will jump after u

LUZbian calAMITY: 

glyph girl: thought so

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glyph girl: thought so

badbutsadboy:stfu im trying to sleep

glyph girl:

LUZbian calamity: XD

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LUZbian calamity: XD

prankster1:  :)

prankster2:  :-)))))))))

prankster1:  :(

badbutsadboy:revenge time



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