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luz created private chat with willow, gus and hunter

luz: guys guys guys

hunter: what its like 2 am bro

willow: well it must be important

luz: yea sorry amity is staying over and i couldn't talk till she went to sleep

willow: why cant amity know about this

luz: well its her birthday in a few months so i want to plan a surprise party

gus: that's a great idea :)

willow: what do we need to do SIR

luz: we need presents and a cake and a theme

hunter: what about that strange book you both like

luz: says the guy who reads cosmic frontier

hunter: :0

luz: still an azura themed party would definitely be fun

willow: i agree

gus: i can make the cake

hunter: i can stitch some decorations i guess

luz: and ill buy some presents and make invites

willow: thanks for telling us luz im sure we can make this the best birthday ever

luz: agreed

sorry for it being short i got a random burst of motivation that lasted about five minutes also pls check out my new book since its been sitting at 14 views for a few days

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