Chapter 4

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One Week Later

It was now the next week and everything seemed to be back to normal, or at least as normal as it could be. After Maxis' encounter with Ghostface, the masked killer seemed to just vanish, as if they were a literal ghost.

Right now, Maxis Johnson and Shannon Cipher were busy walking to the fountain in the middle of the campus. As they walked, they discussed some of the finals that they had taken, since it was indeed finals week at Blackwood Community College.

Upon arriving at the fountain, they were greeted by one of their friends, Marcel.

"Do you guys remember that party I'm throwing Friday night?"  Marcel asked, watching as Shannon and Maxis nodded back.

"Of course." Shannon smiled, "you invited pretty much the whole campus..."

Marcel chuckled, "not that many people, Shannon."

"Well, close enough." Shannon replied back with a soft giggle, "why did you ask?"

"I was wondering if you both would want to come get some supplies with Anthony and myself?" Marcel asked.

Shannon turned to Maxis, who shrugged but then eventually nodded. Marcel smiled as he took that as their answers.

"Awesome." Marcel said, "how about your brother, does he want to come too, Maxis?" He asked.

Maxis shook her head, "No because he's a loser..." She snorted afterwards, before explaining to the others, "he has to work."

Marcel chuckled at Maxis' joke and then asked if the two of them were ready, both would nod in response to Marcel's question.

Shannon took a look around and turned back to Marcel "What about Anthony? Why isn't he here? She asked.

"Oh, Anthony is already out in the parking lot, waiting  by my car." Marcel said answering her question

The three of them would head out to the parking lot, Anthony would already be waiting for them, and once he saw them, Anthony would smile and wave to his friends.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Marcel asked looking at the other three.

To which the three would either reply or nod their head. The four would get into the car and they would head off towards the nearest store.


After arriving at the nearest store, the group of four got out of the car and stretched their legs before heading in.

For the next hour or two, the group of friends would browse through the store and get all necessary items, such as tons of snacks and drinks, while also getting some other party supplies as well.


When the four got done shopping and loading up the supplies inside Marcel's car, they all got in.

"Since it's late, you guys wanna get something to eat?" Marcel asked.

After seeing nodding heads and hearing yes coming from his friends, Marcel started his car and drove the group to a nearby pizza place for dinner.


As Marcel, Anthony, Maxis and Shannon entered the pizza place, they were greeted by a familiar sounding voice.

"Oh no..." The voice said, "what are you doing here?"

That voice belonged to none other than Maxis' brother, Kyle. The group had gone to the pizza place that Kyle was employed at.

Maxis cackled as she and the others ordered their food and then took their seats at a nearby table.

After a few minutes, Kyle was bringing the group their pizza and setting it down, before grabbing a chair himself, as he decided that he was going to take his break right now, since it wasn't that busy.

"So, I ask again, what's everyone doing here?" Kyle asked.

Marcel chuckled, "we were getting supplies for my party this Friday."

Kyle nodded, remembering that a couple weeks ago Marcel invited him, his sister Maxis, and his girlfriend Shannon.

"No Scotty or David?" Kyle asked, finally noticing that they weren't there.

Marcel shook his head, "Scotty had to work and David is apparently studying because he has to make up his finals from today."

Kyle nodded and then sighed as he heard the front door opening, meaning that some new customers we're coming in.

"Alright, I'm going to get back to work. See you guys later." Kyle said, before giving Shannon a quick kiss on her cheek and then giving his sister a dorky fist bump before heading over to register counter.


After the group of friends finished their dinner, they all got into Marcel's car and left for the night.

Marcel would drop off Maxis first, since her house was closer, then Shannon's house was next, leaving just him and Anthony inside the car until they got to Anthony's place.

"Have a good night Marcel." Anthony says as he gets out of the car.

"Yes, you have a good night to you as well." Marcel says as he starts pullIng the car out of the driveway.

Anthony would  head into his house after unlocking his front door, then he would go into  his bedroom and change into his comfy clothes for the night. Afterwards, Anthony would flop down onto his bed. And then would scroll through his phone, when his phone would start to ringing and he sees that it was a "Unknown Number".

Anthony would ignore the call, considering it was coming from a number he didn't know. As he let his phone ring, Anthony would head into the kitchen, where he'd grab a bottle of water.

After getting his drink, Anthony would pull his phone back out of his pocket, having felt it vibrating. It was the same story as last time, an "Unknown Number."

Anthony sighed and hit the decline call button. Once that was done, he heard a loud crashing sound. It sounded like glass breaking. The next thing he heard was his car alarm going off.

Grabbing his keys and racing towards the front door, Anthony turned on the porch light and rushed outside and to his car.

As he got to his car, Anthony silenced the alarm and his eyes widened, seeing that his vehicle was badly damaged. The first thing he noticed was his windshield had been cracked in multiple spots. Then he noticed that rest of the windows were all broken too. Last but not least, he noticed that his tires were all slashed too.

Anthony crouched down and began to examine the broken glass and the slashed tire by the driver's side door. He was pissed.

As Anthony angrily examined the damage, someone (Ghostface) started to slowly walk up behind him, cocking their head to the side as they got closer to him.

After a few moments, Anthony stood up because he wanted to look around the rest of his car. At least, that was the original plan until Ghostface quickly jammed their knife into the side of Anthony's neck before pulling it out.

Anthony gasped, feeling the sharp and sudden pain, before clutching his bleeding wound and collapsing to the ground soon after.

Ghostface would tilt their head to the side again, watching as Anthony's body twitches came to a stop, and then, in typical Ghostface fashion, they'd flee the scene once Anthony was dead.


Oh my Anthony is dead :0 i wonder what is gonna next! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And we will see you in the next chapter hehehe

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