Chapter 5

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Later That Week

It was now the day of Marcel's party. After news of Anthony's death made it's rounds earlier in the week, the Dean and the college board decided to cancel any remaining classes and any remaining finals for that week, opting to give all of the enrolled students a passing grade for that year.

The news of Anthony's death also rattled those close to him, especially with Marcel's end of the year party coming up. It was making some of them question whether Marcel's party was going to be safe or even if he should be having it at all.

Some of the people began to make their concerns heard, which was evident by the group chat beginning to light up with an incoming text message from Shannon.

"Marcel... is your party still happening tonight?"

Shannon's text message was quickly read by everyone from the group. Everyone waited and watched as they saw Marcel's typing bubble popping up as he wrote a response.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?" Marcel's text read.

Shannon quickly typed a response back, "because of what happened to Anthony... and Crystal and Hugo..."

Scotty chimed in with his own response, "the party could be our little tribute to them..."

"Scotty has a great point." David joined in with his text, before quickly sending another one, "plus Marcel can't really cancel now, the party is tonight and he invited pretty much  everyone who goes to Blackwood..."

Marcel responded with another text message, "You don't have to come though, Shannon, if you don't want to."

There was a few seconds before anyone else responded, but then Shannon sent back a text saying, "I'll be there."

After Shannon sent that text, the group chat went quiet again and everyone seemed to go about their day.


Kyle was sitting on his bed, relaxing a bit, until it was time for to get ready for work. He'd get up and grab a work shirt and pants and got dressed.

After about five minutes, Kyle would be done getting dressed. Leaving his room afterwards, Kyle walk down the hallway and stop by Maxis' bedroom. He peaked into her bedroom, confused, because she didn't seem to be ready for the party.

"Hey, aren't  you going to the party?" Kyle asked

Maxis would just shrug at his question, which caused her brother to become more confused, and lead to him enterin her room

"What's wrong? Why don't you want to go?" Kyle asked

Maxis shrugged, as she watched her brother enter her room and make his way to her bedpost.

"Okay gremlin, spill it, what happened?" Kyle said, resting his hands and chin on the wooden bedpost.

Maxis sighed, "I don't know... I guess it's because I'm worried? Like what if that creep comes back?"

What Maxis was referring to was Ghostface, considering she had her own encounter with the masked lunatic last week, and the fact that her friends were killed by the same person.

Kyle nodded, "well, think about it this way..." He said as he began to sit on the edge of her bed, "Marcel invited pretty much the whole campus and other off campus students, so the odds of the creep showing up is really slim..." He added.

Maxis nodded, her nerves still sticking around, "but what if they come after you... Since you're not going to be at the party..."

Kyle was a little bit speechless. He hadn't seen this side of his sister before, being this concerned about the Ghostface person coming back. However, he couldn't blame her, because it also made him a bit worried.

"I wouldn't worry about me..." Kyle quickly stated, coming up with something to not worry her, "I have my work friends and manager there, plus I park pretty close to the shop anyway."

Maxis nodded as she fumbled with her thumbs. She was still hesitant about going to the party or not.

"Look, you don't have to go, I'm not trying to force you or anything, but you have to let me know soon because I have to pick Shannon up." Kyle said.

Maxis nodded, "I'll go." She stated, beginning to smile as she shooed her brother out of her room, so that way she could get ready.


After getting ready, Maxis would leave her room and walk down the stairs before heading into the kitchen to meet her brother, who was getting a Monster energy drink from the refrigerator.

"Well, are you ready now?" Kyle asked, while cracking open the energy drink can.

To which, Maxis nods her head and quickly checks to make sure that she had her phone with her.

So the two would head out of the house, Kyle making sure the front door was locked. After that, the two siblings would get into Kyle's 4runner and head off towards Shannon's house. A short drive later and Kyle was slowly pulling up to Shannon's house, coming to a stop when they were there.

Once the car was parked, Kyle would text Shannon to let her know that they were there, and within a minute or two, Shannon was already at the passenger door.

"Alright short stack, time to get in the back." Kyle teased.

Maxis groaned at the joke and got out, letting Shannon get into the front while she got in the back.

Once that was done, Kyle and Shannin would exchange a quick kiss between each other.

"Ew!! Gross!!!" Maxis made a fake gagging sound and then giggled softly.

Kyle just shook his head and put his 4Runner in gear and they all drove towards Marcel's house.


After a short drive, Kyle was slowly pulling up to Marcel's house, where all three of the occupants in the vehicle could hear the loud music blasting and they could see people running around the house.

"Alright, have fun you two." Kyle said, giving Shannon another quick kiss and watching as his girlfriend and his sister exited his vehicle, before driving off.


Hmmm i wonder what will happen now that Shannon and Maxis are at the party? Find out in the next chapter.

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