Chapter 7

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Back inside the living room at Marcel's house, the movie continued to play. It seemed like more people came to watch, as there were now close to 50 people crammed into the living room.

"Better get across that street Laurie!!" One of the movie watchers shouted.

As everyone watched the movie, someone else felt their phone vibrating and called out to everyone.

"Guys! Check your phones!"

There were some groans from some of the people, only because they were so enthralled with the movie. However, everyone did as the person said, checking their phones. What everyone saw was an emergency alert text. It was from their town's mayor, stating how they were enacting a last minute curfew due to the recent string of murders and anyone not caught following the curfew will be heavily fined and could even face a night in jail.

There were some murmurs coming from the crowd in the living room.

"We're not going to let them tell us what to do, will we?!" Marcel asked, raising his voice to be heard over the murmuring crowd.

"Fuck that! I'm not risking jail time!" One of the people said.

Moments later, everyone began leaving Marcel's house in a hurry. Well, not everyone, as Marcel, Scotty, Maxis and Shannon remained.

Maxis and Shannon only remained because they had to wait for Kyle to come pick them up, which he was already on his way, according to a text that Maxis received.

Marcel sighed as he turned the movie off. Disappointment spread all over his face as his party died within seconds.

"You guys can do whatever, I'm going to start cleaning up." He said, having turned to the other three.

"I'll help you." Scotty chimed in, getting up from his seat and already grabbing some empty cups.

"That sounds like fun...not." Maxis jokingly says,"Well, I think I'm going to go out to the pool."

"Hey, I'll keep you company then, Maxis." Shannon said with a soft giggle

And with that said, both Shannon and Maxis head out to the backyard.


Maxis and Shannon had sat down on the edge of the pool, dipping their feet into cool water. Shannon sighed happily as she sat there, kicking her feet and looking up at the night sky.

"It's too bad that Kyle couldn't come because of work, but at least he's coming to pick us up." Shannon said before continuing. "It also suck that we have this curfew, but I can understand why."  She added, with a hint of concern in her voice as she remembered what happened to Maxis.

"Yes, it was surprisingly a good party..." Maxis said, "I'm glad the stinker convinced me to come." She added, referring to her brother Kyle, before continuing, "Nothing we can do about the curfew now, I suppose." She added with a gentle sigh.

Shannon nodded, "Hopefully Kyle gets here soon..." She said as she looked around the somewhat trashed backyard, "It's a shame that Marcel's party got ruined though, especially after all the planning he must've done..."

Maxis nodded as her and Shannon continued to keep their feet in the pool and talk about different things, although  it turned into mostly conversations about Kyle, considering that Shannon was daydreaming about her future with Kyle.

As the two females continued to talk, they heard the sound of footsteps coming up behind them. That was followed by something that sounded like empty cans crashing together.

Maxis and Shannon would both turn around and see Scotty, who had come out to the backyard to clean up some of the mess that was left behind.

"Hopefully I'm not interrupting anything..." Scotty said, gently smiling as he turned his attention towards the two ladies.

Maxis shook her head, "nah, you're just in time to hear Shannon gush non-stop about my dumb brother." She teased, listening to Shannon squeak a bit and watching her cover her face.

Scotty chuckled as he listened to what Maxis said and then watched as Shannon did what she did.

"H... How are you and Chrissy?" Shannon stuttered, trying to change the subject from her daydreaming and gushing about her lover.

Scotty chuckled again and then nodded, "we're doing good, we have a date tomorrow."

Shannon nodded as she continued to try and calm herself. Maxis would also nod and watch as Scotty continued to clean for a few more seconds.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it." Scotty said as he went back to picking up a few more cans, before quietly mumbling "damn it, the bag is full..." He tied the bag shut and then soon disappeared from the back yard, presumably to get another trash bag.


As Maxis was sitting there with Shannon, she felt her phone vibrating and saw that it's a text from her brother, telling her that he was five or ten minutes away. Maxis would tell Shannon that Kyle was close, and they would take their feet out of the pool and dry them off.


After having dried their feet off, Maxis and Shannon headed back inside the house and went to he kitchen.

As they waited Maxis told Shannon, "Hey, I'm heading to the bathroom. Let me know if Kyle shows up before I'm done."

Shannon nodded, "Alright, I'm gonna grab us some drinks for the trip home." She says.

Maxis nodded and walked away to use the bathroom, while Shannon walked over to the refrigerator. She began to softly hum as she opened the door and looked inside, quickly realizing that there was no good drinks in this refrigerator.

Shannon sighed as she closed the refrigerator door, however she soon recalled hearing Marcel mentioning having a refrigerator in his basement. So, Shannon would make her way to the basement door, assuming that her memory was correct and that there was a refrigerator down stairs.


After opening the basement door, Shannon flipped on a light and glanced up at the bulb once it lit up, having noticed that it wasn't all that bright, in fact the dim light made her a tiny bit spooked.

Walking down the steps, Shannon immediately noticed the other refrigerator sitting there. She was rather relieved, being glad that her recollection was correct.

She would continue to make her way down the steps, however she came to a stop at the bottom of the steps because she heard something crunching under her flip-flops. It sounded like she had stepped onto broken glass.

Shannon glanced down at the ground and saw pieces of a broken bottle. However, that wasn't the only thing, she also saw a couple of red spots, which looked like blood.

The red spots had formed a little trail and Shannon's eyes followed that short trail. As her eyes reached the end of the trail, Shannon's eyes widened and she let out a gasp.

What Shannon had seen was David's dead body. He had been propped up on one of the chairs that were in the basement and it appeared as if his body had sustained even more cuts and slices since his death.

Shannon remained standing there, in shock. Just as she was about to let out a horrified scream, a gloved hand quickly covered her mouth, which effectively muffled any noises that were going to come out, and then something whacked her in the back of her head, causing her to fall unconscious...


Oh no what happen to Shannon!?!?! I wonder what it is gonna happen next! We hope you enjoy this chapter and we will see you in the next one :3

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