๑♡๑ His Red Flags [P3]

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♛┈⛧┈• •┈⛧┈♛

gender neutral!reader

trigger warning

toxic relationship

♛┈⛧┈• •┈⛧┈♛


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Yoichi IS NOT toxic. He is a loving boyfriend who cares so much for you. But there are certain aspects of his that get on your nerve sometime. Yoichi is highly competitive whenever you play games with him and he is not even aware of this side of his. The way he would always glare when you win against him and how he would demand for a rematch many times until he wins. He will not stop unless you begin raising your voice at him. Yoichi can't really read your facial expression too. When you are angry at him and glare at him warningly to leave you alone, he thinks you're hungry instead. So he won't leave you alone to cool down and keep bothering you to eat. Yeah, he doesn't even know that he just adds more fuel to the fire instead of putting it out with water.

"Hey, why the grumpy face? You hungry?"

"(Y/n), stop avoiding me! What did I do??."


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Just like Yoichi, he isn't toxic and his red flags aren't technically bad. Meguru, in short term, is way too hyperactive. His energy is over the chart and it seems like he has way too much energy to spend that it's limitless. You can barely keep up with him especially when you both go out on date. It's never peaceful, it's full of STRESS. You keep losing sight of him and the next you know, you find him at game arcade playing Whack-A-Mole. The date feels more like babysitting a kid instead of spending quality time with your boyfriend. Meguru doesn't seem to understand personal boundaries too. He pulls pranks on you many times although you tell him not to. The pranks may be harmless but it pisses you off when he does it on daily basis. He is overly clingy and needy, constantly bothering you even when you're extremely occupied. He won't leave you alone unless his demands are met. It's tiring, dealing with him, but you love this part of Meguru too. You can't even scold him because you don't have the heart to do so.

"(Y/n), don't be so mean...cuddle me now!!"

"HAHAHAH! LOOK AT YOU! Drenched in water now!!"

"Don't care if you're busy. Let's watch some movies!"


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Shoei is just too...dishonest and stubborn. To him, showing his true emotions and vulnerable side is considered weak. Hence, he is never honest with you. Not even once. He is persistently stubborn and unnecessarily harsh toward you most of the time, although he doesn't intend to hurt your feelings. He never thank you when you give him gifts, he never smile when you confess his love to him and he never show any sign of him loving you. Although he actually loves you a lot. This leads you to believe he just forces himself to date you which explains his cold-heartedness toward you. When misunderstanding breaks out between you and him, his ego will not allow him to mend the relationship. This extreme tsundere side of him is destroying his relationship with you. The relationship could have been the healthiest one ever if only he chooses to be honest.

"Do I love you or not? Are you blind? We're dating, it's so obvious. How could you ask such stupid question as if you're doubting me."

"Why the hell I need to show efforts? Being together is enough."


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Tabito is kind and caring. However, his hatred for surprises always annoy you. His reaction toward the surprises you specially prepare for him is immensely disappointing. He just stares at the gift you did your hardest to get for him, only for him to scowl at you and scold you for surprising him. Even though the gifts are actually something he has always dreamed to have. He may accept the gifts, but he never thank you for them. He just looks moody all day after receiving the surprised gifts. And the next time you decide to give him gifts, he just chooses one straight out from any shop and let you pay for it. Tabito is also too observant. He knows too much about yourself just from analyzing your behavior patter and many more. Sometime, he brings out topics you never ever want to mention to anyone, even him. He thinks he is qualified to give you advice to resolve your situation although you never ask for any. Sometime, he even questions why you keep stressing out over the same reasons and doesn't hesitate to ask you about it. this side of him really gets on your nerve. He isn't helping, he makes you feel worse and annoyed with him.

"Why can't you understand such simple rule? I don't like surprises."

"Why don't you do this to solve your issue? It's so obvious to think of this from the beginning."

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