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fem reader x seishiro nagi

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You had been trying to plan your date with Seishiro for a long time. Much to your misfortune, the plans were always disturbed by unexpected occurrence hence forcing you to cancel your date with Seishiro. He himself sometime was occupied with sudden wave of workloads.

It was as if fate didn't allow you to spend quality time with your boyfriend.

The frustration building up from the constant failed plan was nearing its limit. You were stressed out due to school and dispirited from not being able to meet Seishiro in flesh. You missed him too much. Believe it or not, despite wearing the same stoic face, Seishiro was starting to miss your presence in his life.

Today was Sunday and the only free day of the week. You were not weighed down by school workloads which was a perfect opportunity to spend time with Seishiro. Although you had no specific date in mind, you decided to pay him a visit.

Standing outside his compartment of the apartment building he lived in, you rang the bell and eagerly waited for Seishiro to open the door. You heard the familiar heavy footsteps trudging toward the door before it slowly opened, revealing a tired teenage boy with snowy white hair.

"Who- Oh, (Y/n)."

Although Seishiro sounded monotonous, before you could say a word to greet him, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his compartment without hesitation. The door was shut close and he gently embraced you in his arms.

"Thanks God, you're here. I missed you."

His hug tightened while you softly smiled at him. You rubbed his back in circular motion, consoling him.

"Mhm. I missed you too. I have been dying to meet you, Shiro."

Seishiro was over the moon to hear you uttering the nickname you gave to him. Untangling himself from you, the tall boy leaned down to press a tender kiss on your forehead

"You know once you got here, I will never let you go for the rest of the day, right?"

"Don't worry. I'm not planning to leave early. We have all day to be together."

You cupped his cheeks and mushed his cheeks playfully, delighted by the fact that the feeling was mutual. Knowing Seishiro missed you as well, your love for him grew stronger.

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