♡ Can't Let Go ♡ Shidou

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gn!reader x ryusei shidou

yandere, slight nsfw

yandere shidou au

♛┈⛧┈• •┈⛧┈♛

Ryusei was cuddling you happily, his arm securely wrapped around your waist before he pulled you closer to him until there was no gap left between you and him. He began planting tempting kisses on your neck, smirking in delight when he earned a soft moan from you.

You weren't feeling it today. In fact, your mind was in mess. You were scared to tell Ryusei but you knew you couldn't keep this to yourself much longer. Sooner or later, this was bound to happen. The burden in your chest was too heavy for you to carry on your own.

Whatever the outcome, you were ready to face it. It might hurt you, it might break you to pieces. But how long were you supposed to keep this thought to yourself? How much longer were you willing to put up with Ryusei?

"Ryu, please." Your voice sounded too meek, full of concern. "Not now... I'm not in the mood." You admitted, gently pushing him away. Ryusei immediately apologized and hugged you lovingly instead. "Oh, love. I'm so sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?"

Your heart was tearing to pieces as you heard the obvious worries in his voice. God, you were in dilemma. Ryusei was perfect, a perfect partner for you. Loving, caring, considerate, kind, sweet.

He might be sexually active and addicted to touching you intimately but not even once he forced you into intercourse with him. He always started it slow first, seeing your reaction to determine whether you wanted it or not or asked for your consent first.

But one thing about him that you couldn't handle anymore; his violence toward people around. 

Ryusei was way too possessive and obsessive. He didn't hesitate to raise his fist against others who glanced at you, whether it was a woman or man. He treated everyone with equal treatment. Even if they were clearly weaker than him and in disadvantage at fight, he would beat them to death.

His jealousy issue was superincumbent. People around were terrified to approach you because of his violent behavior. He was a danger to everyone else...except you.

There was one time a friend of yours was beaten up to pulp. Ryusei saw them talking to you and smiling at you. Before you knew it, you were sitting on the floor as you stared at Ryusei in horror. His tanned face stained with your friend's blood, his bloody fist mercilessly punched their face until their face was completely swollen to the point they were unrecognizable.

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