๑♡๑ His Red Flags [P1]

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♛┈⛧┈• •┈⛧┈♛

gender neutral!reader

trigger warning

toxic relationship

♛┈⛧┈• •┈⛧┈♛


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ He is an arrogant and egocentric man, always bragging about himself on daily basis with you. Frequently, he belittles you and pressures you into improving yourself more. He wants to make sure you're worthy to stand next to him to maintain his distinguished image as German prodigy. Since he views himself as embodiment of perfection, you must be as perfect as him. Insulting your insecurities whenever you experience low self-esteem is his way to motivate you to better yourself.

"Stop eating that unhealthy junk. You will gain weight."

"If you don't start working out and get rid of those fat, I'm gonna fucking dump you."

"I don't care! Starve yourself to death or anything. If you still love me, then stop whining."


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Living in Spain for years and learning the harsh reality of life at such young age damages his emotional growth as a teenager. He grows up as an ignorant man who lacks empathy toward others' feelings, even his own significant other. Engaging in relationship with Sae is like one-sided love. It is only you who is always concerned about the relationship and strive hard to maintain a stable relationship. Sae, in the other hand, could care less of your feelings and emotions. Often being bluntly cruel and hurting your feelings, intentionally and unintentionally. His career as soccer player is his sole priority after all.

"Can't you see I'm tired? Leave me alone."

"Why should I waste my energy and time on a stupid date? Just stay at home."

"Stop being mean? I'm merely being honest. It's not my fault that you're too sensitive."


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Ryusei is one manipulative partner, messing with your mind and emotions frighteningly often in order to force you to stay by his side despite how toxic the relationship is. He is selfish, obsessive and possessive. He makes you believe nobody else will love you as much as he does, even tricking your mind into believing he is the only one in this world who accept you as who you are. If breaking your mind is the only mean to turn you into an obedient doll for him, he will resort to such cruelty. He also despises talking things out when conflict brews up between you and him. To him, the sole way to make peace with you is through intercourse. He never force himself on you but he frequently seduces you into having sex as distraction to avoid having serious talk. You can never resist him and always submit yourself to him willingly. His words of temptation...is irresistible.

"Break up? There is no one better than me out there."

"Oh, sweetheart...you can never find another person to love you. I'm the only one capable of doing so.."

"Have you forgotten? You're all alone, sweetheart. Who else will be by your side when you're at your lowest?"


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Alexis has major trust issue and inferior complex. Often attempting to be the dominant one in the relationship by controlling you. He easily misunderstands your words or action. He unhealthily believes his words as the only truth, frequently coming up with his own speculation and accuses you of mistakes you never commit. Once he loses his mind, he becomes quite violent yet he tries to resist himself from hurting you physically. He usually suppresses himself by throwing objects on the floor to relieve his anger and warning you. However, sometime he only verbally attacks you by comparing you to other people; specifically his exes. Considering his trust issue is extremely severe, he stalks on you whenever you go out with your friends or by yourself.

"What? You want to see your friend? What's wrong with staying home with me all day? Have you lost your feelings toward me?"

"Who the fuck is that bastard with you earlier? Are you cheating on me?!"

"Shut the hell up. Why the hell are you like this? All my exes are not as annoying as you."

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