♡ For You ♡ Kaiser

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gender neutral!reader x michael kaiser

kaiser's slum past theory au

fluff, slight angst

manga spoiler

♛┈⛧┈• •┈⛧┈♛

Rewarded with a short vacation to take a break from soccer is a blessing for Michael and you. After all, he had been busy with his career as successful football player. Whenever he is given some days off, he will use the free time wisely by spending quality time with you.

Today, you and Michael venture into the city for a date. The first place you choose to visit is your favorite shopping complex. Michael just plays along with your plan, entering the shopping complex with you. Crowded with humans, countless noises resonated through the spacious, gigantic building.

Although Michael is displeased with the deafening environment, he is willing to put up with the inconveniences for you. You grab his hand and begin dragging him to a clothing store that successfully catches your attention.

"Look at all these clothes they got! Stylish, don't you think?" You excitedly show the said clothes to Michael. He is disinterested but smiles sweetly anyway, nodding his head in agreement. "You want them?" he asks, his voice as gentle as his love for you.

You shake your head before putting back the clothes to its rightful place. You continue to walk around giddily, wondering what to purchase. You're not attracted to the clothes anymore as your gaze now fix on a pair of shoes that happen to fit your fashion taste and liking. Picking them up, you earnestly check the price but your heart drops in an instant.

Michael sees your facial expression abruptly changes at the moment you witness the large amount of money you've to pay to fulfill your desire to own the shoes. Though he is yet to know the truth. Seeing you putting the shoes back urges him to ask in confusion, "Don't you want the shoes?" You stay quiet for a minute, faking a smile on your lips before turning to your boyfriend. "Too fancy for my taste."

Michael senses the sadness in your voice despite your hard work to hide it from his knowledge. He locks his gaze back at the shoes, his mind recalling some bitter memories of his past.

Everything right now feels like a deja Vu to the German prodigy. Michael used to be in your stead, hoping to own something of his dream. As a child growing up in slums, he never had enough money and barely supported himself from financial aspect. Any toys, clothes, shoes, even a soccer ball; they all came from trashes dumspter or hand-downs by kind people around him.

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