๑♡๑ His Red Flags [P4]

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♛┈⛧┈• •┈⛧┈♛

gender neutral!reader

trigger warning

toxic relationship

♛┈⛧┈• •┈⛧┈♛


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ It doesn't take you long to realize how distant you are with your boyfriend, Rensuke. He no longer contacts you, texts you 'good morning' and 'good night', no late-night calls. He ghosts you out of nowhere which make you worried. Even though now he is allowed to call anyone during his stay in Blue Lock Program. When you come over to visit him at Blue Lock facility, Rensuke pretends like he has never met you and avoid you. You confront him about it and at that point, you realize you're talking to a different person- he isn't your boyfriend. He is cold-hearted, ruthless, stoic and harsh toward you. He never raise his voice at you but his venomous words still stung your heart. He hurts your feelings on purpose, he tells you the last things you would ever hear from him. Though you shed tears in front of him, he never hug you or comfort you. You can't feel his comfortable warmth and gentle kindness anymore. In the end, he discards you from his life like you mean nothing to him.

"You mean nothing to me. Never appear before me again."

"This relationship is a waste of time."


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Jin is emotionally detached from you. He can't feel your emotions which make it difficult for him to comprehend your emotional state. When you're upset, he never bother to comfort you because he doesn't know what is upsetting you. He tries to provide consolation, only for his words to come out wrong and you misunderstanding his intention. This always results with you arguing with him and him never show the effort to console or win your heart back. In fact, he becomes harsher toward you. At some point, he gets annoyed with the constant argument and your breakdown that he decides to end the relationship without properly explaining everything to you first.

"You're stupid for crying over such thing."

"You're not insecure, you just don't have enough confidence."

"Stop getting upset over every little inconvenience."


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ He is basically Oliver 2.0 except that he never bother to hide the fact he wants to cheat from the beginning. If Oliver is being subtle before exposing his real intention, Eita straight out cheats in front of you. You lose count on how many times you see him staring at other people from the beginning you both start dating. He only focuses on you when you ask him for a kiss and he is more than willing to give you one. But much to your misfortune, you know those lips are the same lips that kiss his other scandals. He is not ashamed of the fact he is cheating on you. This fact is as clear as day. He even kisses one of his scandals in front of you and introduces you as his friend. He knows you are too kind to prohibit him from cheating because you love him a lot. His relationship with you only happen on impulse. He never care about your feelings since he lacks emotional attachment.

"You don't like my attitude? Okay, then. Let's break up."

"We're not married so I don't belong to you."


╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ He doesn't exactly have prominent red flags that make him an entirely toxic person but some part of his behavior irritates you sometime. He loves his appearance and his hair is his pride and joy. He wants you look good as well so sometime he offers you advice on fashion and dressing style. He keeps pestering you to take good care of your appearance until you get very annoyed with him. This gets really bad to the extent you feel like he never appreciate you for who you are and try to turn you into his ideal lover who can stand on the same level as him. He tells you to follow his steps so you can become as stylish at him. It gets irritating really irritating that sometime you treat him harshly. Even though he actually means well and only wishes to bring out the best from you.

"Hey, (Name), I bought this new skincare product. It can help with your acne problem."

"I'm not...saying you look hideous. I just want my love to look good."

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