♡ Horror ♡ Rin

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fem reader x rin itoshi

no au


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You jumped toward Rin excitedly which urged him to react fast and caught you in his arms. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pecked his cheek softly. You were too happy to be able to meet him after not seeing him for months. Ever since he joined Blue Lock, you were unable to meet him let alone contact your boyfriend.

"Hey, (Y/n). Sorry for my unannounced absence. I-"

"Now, now. No apologizing. I know about that Blue Lock programme thanks to your parents."

"But I don't make it in time to inform you. It was too sudden."

"Obviously yeah, it was waaaay too sudden. When you didn't show up for a while, I thought you were eaten by ghost while watching your favourite horror film or something."

You jokingly remarked to brighten the gloomy mood. Holding his hand, you led him upstairs to your bedroom. Rin stared at your hand. At last, he could feel your warmth enveloping him again. He held your hand back, smiling a little.

"By the way, I found some interesting horror movies for you on my Netflix, Rin. Pretty sure you haven't watched them since they are the latest release!"

"Horror movie- Wait, you watch horror movie now?"

"Only with you, though."

"Why bother watching horror movie right now? We can watch something else if you want to. It's already nighttime, (Y/n)."

"No, no. I want to watch horror movie with you."

"You're gonna have nightmare like before."

"Who cares? You're here with me."

You were unusually brave that Rin was impressed. Normally, you preferred to avoid watching horror movie with him. But this time, you willingly volunteered to do so.

Entering your bedroom, you shut the door close and locked the door. You had to do this to prevent your siblings from barging into your room. They seriously loved interrupting your date with Rin for no reasons.

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