Chapter 2: Traffic School

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(This next part is based on a deleted scene from the original Cars film. You'll know it if you've seen it before.)

Mater towed Jackson all the way to Flo's and said, "Alright, here we are!"

"Thank you," said Storm, unenthusiasticly.

"I see you did what I did the first time I raced there," said Lightning, with Cruz giggling.

"Yeah, it would be funnier, if it was you in there!" snapped Storm.

Just then, Flo came up to Storm with a quart of oil.

Flo is a modified 1955 Lincoln Futura with large tail fins. She is painted a light blue-green with a white underside.

"Calm down there honey," said Flo, "You know, McQueen here would often fall into that field many times too when he was still training."

"Yeah, sure," said Storm, taking a sip from his oil. He was actually surprised at how good it tasted.

"Wow, this is really good," said Storm.

"Thanks honey," said Flo, "Tell your friends about it."

"So, I hope Mater wasn't too ruff on you," said Lightning.

Jackson just rolled his eyes, and continued to sip.

"Well, don't worry, we'll practice on a different course: The Radiator Springs Speedway. Asphalt," said Lightning.

"Wait, there's an asphalt race track here?" asked Cruz.

"yeah," said Lightning, "How about it storm? Wanna go for it?"

Storm then said, "Alright, what time?"

"One week from now," said Lightning, "And if your nice enough, you'll get a spot in the Cozy Cone. See ya around Storm."

Lightning and Cruz then took off, and Storm was left alone.

He then decided to look around, and see the sights.

"So much nature," said Storm, "Can't even get a phone signal out here! How do they even live here?"

Just then, he was pulled over by a police car with antennas, and a mustache.

"Do you know how fast you were going!?" demanded Sheriff.

"A reasonable speed," said Storm.

"You were going at 196 mph on a 50 mph road!"

Sheriff then gave Storm a ticket, and said, "Seems you need to go to driving school. There you'll learn how to drive perfectly."

"Driving school?" asked Storm, "yeah, no."

Just then, a boot was put on Storm's rear left tire, and Sheriff said, "Oh yes. Now come on, you road hazard."

Storm was brought to an empty lot, and joined by Mater.

"Why are you here?" asked Storm.

"I thought you could use some support," said Mater.

Just then, Sally came forward, and said, "Welcome to Driving School. Now, the purpose of this is school is to help you become a better and safer driver."

"Oh please," said Jackson, "I'm a professional racer. I know all this stuff."

"If you were, you wouldn't have been brought to here by Sheriff, now would you?" asked Sally.

Mater giggled.

"Well, if you're such a good driver, then you wouldn't mind showing us how to signal while making a proper right turn, would you?" asked Sally.

Storm just stared at Sally, and Mater whispered, "Ya gotta turn on yer right indicat- Oh! His headlights is just stickers!"

"You know, on a race track, you never really want to indicate which was you're going to turn," said Storm, "You're fighting your way to the top."

"Well, you're not on a race track," said Sally, "Now, let's get you fitted properly. Mater?"

"You got it," said Mater, heading to his yard.


Sally was teaching the two students what to do.

"Now, when you're finished turning, you must turn off your indicator."

Mater then followed, and the two waited for Storm to come out.

As Storm rolled out, with headlights, and indicators.

He then turned off his indicator, only to turn on his other one.

This went on for a few times.

The trio then headed to the Cozy Cone Lot, and saw Guido putting up some cones up.

"Now, let us try Parallel Parking," said Sally, "Mater?"

Mater then went into reverse, and went right in between the cones.

"Now, let's see how you do it Mr. Storm. Storm?"

Storm was looking at the statue at the end of the street.

"What's with that statue?" asked Storm.

"That, is Stanley, our town founder," said Sally, "He found a natural spring. It was the only source of fresh water for miles around. He built a town, bringing this whole valley, and Route 66 on the map. He's our founder."

"Wow," said Jackson, "He didn't found-"

Sally smacked his door, and Jackson winced in pain.

"Alright, alright, I'm going."

Jackson then reversed, only to knock over a cone.

He tried again, going forward, only to knock the front cone over.

He tried again, only he knocked both over.

Jackson tried all sorts of things, but he kept knocking them over.

Finally, he got angry, and did donuts, landing right in between the cones.

"How's that?" asked Storm.

"Dan Gum!" said Mater, "That was cool!"

"I gotta say," said a voice, "That was impressive."

Lightning then came in.

"So, how did your first day go?"

"I basically mastered it," said Storm.

"Really, because you struggled for the first 13 tries."

"Oh, real funny," said Lightning, "Anyway, why don't you take a drive. Clear your head out."

"Actually," said Sheriff, "Storm is going to be watched by Mater tonight. Make sure he doesn't do anything that might break the law."

"Oh, I see," said Lightning, "Okay, so, first, I'm going to call a few friends. See what they think. Maybe that will give you a real challenge in the race Storm."

"Pft," said Storm, "I can handle it."

"You know, McQueen was just like you when he first arrived," said Mater, "Only he was more enjoyable! And you know, we were just like brothers the moment we first met each other."

"...What are you talking about?" asked Storm.

"I don't know," said Mater, "Hey! I got something we can do tonight, cause you heard the Sheriff! I'm in charge of watching ya!"

"Yeah, no," said Storm, "I've had enough of you."

"Well alright, Mr. 'I can't parallel park'. You probably couldn't handle it anyway."

"is that a challenge?" asked Storm.

"Well, you wanna make it one?"

"Oh yeah, I'm SO doing this!"

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