Chapter 9: Florida 500

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"Welcome to the Florida 500," said Darell Cartrip, "Today looks like a great day for racing."

"And everyone's talking about the rookie Quicksilver," said Bob Cutlass, "He's even beaten Storm's record, and Cruz Ramirez as well."

Natilie Sertain then said, "Well, based on my data, Quicksilver should be 99.3% unstoppable. But maybe, Cruz will pull off an amazing stunt like she did last year."

Soon, the group arrived in Florida, and Quicksilver was showing off like Lightning would in his rookie years, only he was more with the flare.

Just then, Rey came up to Jackson.

"Hey Jackson," he said, "Good luck to you."

"Thanks Rey," said Storm, "I suppose we should get to our pit."

"About that," said Rey.

Storm turned, and said, "What?"

"........... I'm not your crew chief."

"What?! But, but,...."

"They're using the files with Mr. Biggz against me. They threatened to reveal them about you if I left them. I'm sorry."

Jackson looked at Rey, as he left.

Originally, Jackson Storm was a cyber-sportsman, playing racing video games. His biggest achievement was winning money from a tournament organised by a businessman by the name of Mr.Biggz; a businessman who organised a cyber-sport tournament, which involves racing games. He organised this to find a worthy racer for his team. It was Jackson Storm. He asked a pickup named Ray Reverham (A.K.A Chief) to find and engage him to the real sport.

In the beginning, Storm didn't want to go anywhere; he said he earned enough money from a cyber-sport, especially from that tournament, and he doesn't want to change anything. He likes freedom. But this situation wasn't easy. If Storm disagrees - then he must return all the money he won from the tournament back to Mr.Biggz. Biggz wanted to make Jackson Storm "the face of video-games" and hire him for his team. But there was a thing: if Storm won't accept his offer of being a racer - then he wouldn't be involved in video-gaming either. Storm accepted the offer, but his cockiness was hard to deal with.

Jackson Storm started to train in a special racing centre with other next-gen racers, but his cockiness was a problem. He bullied other members, challenging them in many ways, and overall was some kind of a walking problem. But a last straw was a situation with Tim Balony and Jackson Storm. Storm challenged Balony in a race through the racing simulators, and Balony has won. But Storm didn't accept his loss and raged right away. He started to "make donuts" and created a huge cloud of tyre smoke, triggering the fire alarm.

Soon enough, Mr.Biggz heard about all this, deciding to fire Jackson Storm from his team. But Chief didn't want him to fire Storm, and left with him. Chief saw some kind of potential in Jackson Storm. Luckily enough - Storm found a new team right away. IGNTR offered him a place in their team, both Storm and Chief accepting it. The trainer from the racing centre contacted IGNTR and told them about Storm and his skills.

Jackson was devastated that his friend wouldn't be with him at all in the race.

However, a honk was heard behind him, and Storm saw some pitties with Smokey behind him, followed by Tex Dinoco.

"Mr. Dinoco?"

"Jackson Storm, I saw what that Quicksilver did to you, and while you were foolish, he was wrong to be rude like that. So, I offer you a pit crew I managed to find."

Jackson then said, "Thank you Tex."

"Well," said Smokey, "What are you waiting for kid? Get on out there."

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