Chapter 3: Tractor Tipping and Driving Backwards

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"Mater, I'm not doing this!"

"Oh come on, you'll love it!" laughed Mater, "Tractor Tipping's fun!"

"This is just stupid," said Storm.

"Okay, when I say go, we go, but don't let Frank catch ya. GO!"

"Wait, who's Frank?!"

Mater just ran into the field, and Jackson followed him in.

"Now what you wanna do, is sneak up in front of 'em, and then honk! And they do the rest! Watch this!"

Mater went ahead, and slowly sneaked in front of one, and honk his horn.

The Tractor then panicked, and moved forward, and tipped over. There was a liquid sound, and then exhaust burst out the pipe.

Mater then laughed, "Oh boi! Tractors is so dumb! Oh boy, I tell ya, it doesn't get much better than this."

"Oh yeah, this is the dream," said Storm.

Mater then turned, and sneaked up to another tractor, and honked.

He moved out of the way, and then made a pose, and moved to look like he passed gas.

"AH HA HA HA! Oh boy, okay buddy, your turn."

"What? No, this is stupid," said Jackson.


"I'm not a baby."

Mater then strutted like a chicken, until Jackson said, "OKAY! FINE! I'LL DO IT!"

Jackson then rolled in front of a tractor, and he was nervous. He looked to Mater, and he gestured.

Storm then shook off the nervousness, and let out a full roar of his engine.

At that moment, all the tractors woke up, and started to tip over, one by one.

Mater and Storm looked at each other, as the tractors piffed one after another, and one actually sounded like a fart.

The two looked at each other, and laughed.


"I TOLD YA YOU'D LIKE IT!" said Mater.

The two stopped laughing, and a cry was heard.

From the bushes, came a large light.

"That's Frank!" said Mater, making a U-Turn.

From the bushes, came a harvestor combine, all red, and furious!

From the bushes, came a harvestor combine, all red, and furious!

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Jackson freaked out, and made a mad dash!

Frank then charged forward, almost getting Jackson, as he caught up to Mater.

The tow truck was laughing his bumper off all the way, and Jackson said, "YOU'RE INSANE!"

They were reaching an opening, as Frank started to pick up speed.

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