Chapter 4: Our Town

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Next morning, Jackson met Lightning and Cruz at the track, ready to go.

"Okay, so, how does that turning thing work?" asked Storm.

"Well," said Lightning, "Basically, you need to get into rear wheel drive for better control. Then, you need to pick up speed, and pitch your brakes for a second, and then shift over a bit."


"How about this: you simply turn left to go right."

"Left to go right? That doesn't make any sense."

"Let me show you," said Cruz.

She then took off, going up the inclined part, and picking up speed, before shifting to the left, and then back to the right, making a perfect drift.

"Think you can do that?" asked Lightning.

"Yeah," said Storm, after some hesitation.

Jackson then headed to the track, and got ready.

"Whenever you're ready," said Lightning.

Storm then took off, and went up the incline, and at then down, and started to pick up speed, and when he went to turn, he spun out.

He tried again, only to land in some weeds.

Soon, after a long day of trying, into the night, he finally managed to pull off a drift.

Jackson slipped a bit, and almost came off the track, however, he steered to the left, and did a perfect drift.

Jackson then stopped, and panted, "I did it."

"So, how was it?" asked Lightning, "to finally achieve the technique?"

"Really satisfying," said Storm.

"So, you wanna do a few practice laps on the speedway?" asked Lightning.

"That sounds good," said Cruz, "How about it Jackson? Rematch from Florida?"

"Why not," said Storm, as the trio left.

After some practice laps, the trio was currently resting, and seeing the sights.

"I gotta say," said Cruz, "Never seen this place before."

"Wheel Well Motel is once more the most popular stop on the mother road," said Lightning, "Just like in it's hey day."

"Say, how did you manage to live here," asked Storm, "I don't get it. You were a racer in your prime when you found this place. Why did you want to stay here?"

"The view," said Lightning, going towards the ledge.

Cruz and Storm followed, and they were shown the view.

All over, Jackson and Cruz could see Cadillac Ranch, Willie's Butte, Firewater Falls, and all of Ornament Valley.

All over, Jackson and Cruz could see Cadillac Ranch, Willie's Butte, Firewater Falls, and all of Ornament Valley

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