Chapter 6: Jackson's Reasons

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Storm headed to Mater's hut, and woke up the truck.

Mater snorted, and looked around, to see Storm looking at him.

"Oh, hey buddy, how are you?" asked the truck.

"I was wondering, if you could show me that backwards driving thing?"

"Oh, well, it's not that hard," said Mater, pulling out into the open field, "See, you need to memorize what's out there, and know the exact moment to turn. And what to do, is to turn left, to go right, and right, to go left."

"Turn right to go left?" asked Jackson, "Where have I heard that before?"

"Why not try it out?" asked Mater.

Storm then turned himself around, and got ready.

He looked behind him, and went in full reverse. He turned right, and turned left, going around a cactus, and past some rocks, and jumped over a small hill, and did some poses.


He was cut off, by falling into another cactus lot.

"OH!!!" said Mater, "Dad Gum, that must have hurt!"

Just then, another cactus fell off the edge, and landed on Storm, with the Next Gen Racer screaming so loud, it sounded like a girl's scream.

Mater pulled up Jackson, and was pulling out Cactus pieces.

Lightning, Sally, Cruz and Sheriff came up to see what had happened.

"Woah, what happened here?" asked Lightning.

"Well, Mater here," said Storm, pointing to Mater, "Was giving me a backwards dri-HIGH-ing lesson. But, I l-HET, my cockiness get the be-HAHA!! The better of me. And after I promised myself I wouldn't do that again after loosing to him!!"

"Who's him?" asked Cruz.

Jackson realized he said the last part out loud.

"Well," said Storm, before sighing, and then cringing in pain, as another piece of cactus was pulled from him.

"Can this wait after the cactus pieces are pulled out?"

After half an hour of pain, Storm was looked over, and then, he told them what happened.

"It was just before the last season," he began, "And then, a rookie showed up. He wanted to race Cruz, because he said she was the best. And, he wasn't wrong, seeing her winning streak. And well, I came forth, and my sponsors were there as well. I told him that I was the best racer out there, and he just laughed, and said, 'You!? You lost to her multiple!! And she's only lost one to you!! You're just a joke, old timer!'

"I was so mad, I challenged him to five laps around the track. He accepted it, but he raised the stakes: If I won, he wouldn't race until next season, and if he won, I would give up my sponsor and number to him.

"So, we started off, and I lead for the first three laps, but then, during the fourth, he over took me with no problem what so over. His top speed was calculated, and showed he went at 226 mph. Faster than my own speed, or Cruz's. I lost the race, and my sponsors didn't even want me anymore. The thing was, the rookie didn't have a sponsor at the time, and was instantly hired.

"Only my crew chief Rey, and my hauler, Gale, stayed with me, and we all left. However, I tried going faster, and but nothing worked. Nothing on the simulator, the air flow machine, treadmills, nothing. I was still just 217 mph. Just 9 miles slower.

"And then Gale had the idea of you training me. I was against it, but there was no other choice. So, swallowed my pride, and said, 'Fine!! But I won't like it!! And we can't tell them about this!! Tell them I was found using illegal fuel, and needed to train with a veteran if I wanted to race again!' So, here we are.

"I was so..... idiotic to accept that challenge."

Everyone was shocked at Jackson's back story.

"I..... I need a moment alone," said Storm, as he rolled away.

"Oh, Jackson," said Cruz.

With Jackson, he rolled into a lot, where there was a tent, and saw a voltswagon van with tattoos on him.

"Hey man," said the van, "What you doing here?"

"Just.... just revisited a painful memory where I made a stupid bet, and lost everything."

"Oh," said the bus, "What did you do?"

"I met someone who was faster than me, and I lost my racing sponsor and number, all in one day."

"That's heavy."

"Yeah, yes it is."

The bus then said, "Hey, there's nothing to be down about that. You can start fresh with a new sponsor, new number, and maybe new friends? Nothing wrong with new friends."

"I...... really don't make friends," said Storm.

"Why not?"

"I was bullied in my youth. I actually wanted to be a racer, like the Hudson Hornet, the King, and Lightning McQueen. But, everyone kept saying that I didn't have what it took, so, I ended up with video games. However, at that point, I was at the peak of my bullying, and so, I fought back, and soon, I was the bully. I was even kicked out of the academy I was studying at, and then found IGNTR. So, I raced for them.

"However, they used an illegal fuel to help me boost my speed, and well, it messed with me, and I didn't think straight. After using it for so long, I was just a straight up bully, bigger than before. Did anything I could in my power to make sure I won. However, I forgot what was important in life. But, I found someone I really care about."

"Who's that?" asked the van.

"Cruz. She's...... Ever since I first saw her, I felt something deep inside, I never thought I had. But, it grew with every race I had with her, and every time she beat me."

"I feel the same Storm."

The two looked to see Cruz, looking at Storm.

"D...Do you really?"

"Yeah," said Cruz, "As we went on, I could tell you had the hots for me. However, you were clearly not ready to confess, so, I just kept it a secret. If you want that rematch in Florida, the Speedway's ready."

Jackson smiled, and said, "Yeah, I'd like that."

As they left, the bus stopped Storm, and said, "Hey, I have an idea. Something to get rid of that illegal fuel."

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