Chapter 4: A Cat Most Curious

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Ruby is trying to find the Curious Cat that ran away from us when we first encounter it. Now me, Weiss, Blake and Yang are small until we find away to get us back to our normal size.

Ruby: Kitty! Kitty! Wait! No, no, uh. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty! Here, kitty, kitty, kitty! Oh, come on, kitty!

Little: Eek! (points) (whispers) A cat's hindquarters!

I saw where Little was pointing and see the Cat's tail in the tall red grass.

You: Nice call out, Little.

Ruby: Um, excuse me.

Curious Cat: You're excused.

Little screams and hides under Ruby's cape, while I saw the cat on another side of the tall red grass.

You: (looks back and forth to see the cat's other half and his half with his face, totally confused) What the what?!

The Curious Cat walks on its two legs to go to his other half.

Ruby: Uh, hello, uh cat.

The Curious Cat commects his other half back on it's body.

Ruby: Curious Cat? Which one do you go by?

Curious Cat: Oh, I don't go by. That belongs to the days and the years, but if you are asking me what I am, I do suppose I am indeed a cat most curious.

Ruby: Of course. Uh, heh. Look, my friends and I really need to get to that giant tree and so far, nothing we've tried has gotten us any further.

Weiss: It looks to me like we're even farther.

Yang: Yeah, I think that's because we're six inches tall.

You: (standing next to Weiss) (to Yang) You don't have to remind us, Yang.

Weiss: It could be both.

Curious Cat: The tree. Tree, tree, tree, tree. Of course. That is most definitely impossible. You do not go to the tree, the tree goes to you. Unless of course you're me, you see?

Yang: Not even a little bit.

Curious Cat: Well, that's your problem. It's a matter of perspective, I'm afraid.

Ruby: But, uh, couldn't you take us then? You've been there before.

Curious Cat: So, why would I want to go back? Yes, I'm glad we understand one another. No sense in scene a sight seen.

The Curious Cat saw a yellow butterfly for it pounce and chases after it in the red grass.

Blake: Please. You helped Alyx when she was-

Curious Cat: Alyx. Alyx, Alyx? (flies to Ruby) How do you know her? Are you friends of hers? Lifelong nemesis? Wait, don't tell me. (after a second) Okay, no tell me!

Ruby: Uh, well, we don't know her personally. We just, uh...

Weiss: She wrote a book. About her entire adventure in the Ever After.

Curious Cat: A book? Is it well-liked?

Blake: It's kind of a childhood favorite of everyone's, where we're from.

Curious Cat: Yes! Oh, please I simply must know more! What did she write about? How was I portrayed and (sniffs) do I smell a mouse?

I then saw Little peeking out, holding onto Yang, for Blake to hide Little.

Blake: Um. From one cat to another, could you give us a minute, please?

Curious Cat: Oh, so they're spoken for. Well, please, please hurry. I have so many, many questions.

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