Chapter 6: Confessions within Cumulonimbus

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I can't believe it... The Rusted Knight who turned out to be Jaune. He looks different, but I'm so glad to see him again.

Jaune: I thought maybe I'd never see you again, but I knew if I waited long enough, that you would fall. Just like I did. It's... It's really you, right? When I saw you in the market, I...

Ruby: Jaune, it's us.

Me and the others went up to Jaune for a group hug, for BD and little to join in as well.

You: It's so good to see you again, buddy.

Jaune: You too, Y/n.

All of us let go of the hug for us to ask Jaune a few questions.

Ruby: How did you find us?

Blake: How are you the Rusted Knight?

You: How long have you been here?

Yang: And when did you get so-

Weiss: Mature?

All of us heard what Weiss said and I can tell that she was blushing.

You: Are you starting to like Jaune now when he's like this, Weiss?

Weiss: (blushing red) Uh, no I'm not. I just found it a bit strange that he's like this, yeah.

You: (to BD) Damn, this girl thirsty for Jaune.

BD-1: Zwizzz-zwooop!

Weiss: (blushing more red) Oh, cut it out!

BD-1: (laughing beeps)

You: Okay, that's enough.

Ruby: What happened in Atlas, after we the rest of us fell?

Jaune: (sighs) I uh, guess we've all got a lot of catching up to do.

After Jaune told us everything about what happened in Atlas, we made to some kind open field with flowers all over the green ground. I knew he would explain to us about what happened, but knew I was there as well.

Ruby: She's got two relics now?

Yang: And with Cinder, the ability to get another.

Blake: She doesn't know where the Beacon relic is.

Weiss: Well, there's that to be thankful for, at least.

Ruby: We lost Atlas and the relic.

Blake: But we got everyone out safely. Jaune said so.

Weiss: We've risked their home to save the relic and we failed.

Blake: Getting everyone out has to count for something.

Ruby: What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway?!

Yang: That's what Ironwood thought. You don't mean that.

You: She doesn't.

Yang looks at me and so did the others.

You: "Failure is not the end, it is a necessary part of the path. Hope will always survive in those who continue to fight." That's what Cordova said. (walks to Ruby and kneels down to her and hols her hand) Never forget that, Ruby.

Ruby looks at me and nods.

Jaune: Are you done? We need to move before the weather turns or it's going to take us a lot longer to safety. They'll be plenty of time to lick your wounds later. Come on.

We all followed Jaune to get across the field to find out where we're going.

Yang: So, where are we going again?

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