(OLD)Note 4, Date or Hangout?

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Author's Note: Before you read, I didn't have any music to listen to while making this, so this might be shitty/horrible, but I tried. Also, I was a little tired while making this, and I really wanted to do this, so you're welcome!

Warning(?): Dark magic
A week had finally passed, which was a relief. Stupid fucking shitty hell was over! I never had detention, so after that, I tried to be careful...but let's just say that people can be dumbasses sometimes. I mean, it's the truth! I almost forgot that I was going to go over to Error's house, when it was Saturday afternoon. "Oh fuck..." I whispered. I got ready really quick, and headed over to his house, and just walked in. 

"Didn't leave your door locked." I said to myself. I walked over to the couch, and sat down. Not much had changed since I was last over there. The only thing I noticed had changed was Error's parents not being there. Well, of course they weren't because of what Error had explained to me. I got up, going to where a small bookshelf that his parents did, and skimmed over the sides to see what books were there, none really caught my interest expect for one, which was called, "Magic and Gods". I picked it up, and skimmed only a few pages, before I heard Error's voice. 

"So, I guessed you did remembered? That's surprising." He joked. Hearing Error's voice, I jumped, and the book fell from my hands. I sighed and picked it up. "God Error..." I said. "You didn't have to scare me like that!" Error came over to the couch and sat down, and I put the book back where I had found it. I walked over to him. "Okay...what is it that you wanted to talk to me or show me?" I asked. Error had a book in his hands and got it to me. "This." He said. 

I looked at it, and I guess it was the book he told me of what he was reading. "Dark Magic and Healing" it read. When I opened it, I saw that there was little illustrations of different dark magic, and healing. It was a little scary, but fascinating. The illustrations were of people, and around them were dark, and some magic that was visible that the colours were black, purple and red. 

In every illustration, there was like a hand above the person, and the person had its eyes open, looking calm, and looked like an angel. Like the ones in those bibles, that says, "Don't be afraid of it" or something like that. The person, of course, like an angel, had wings and a lot of eyes on them. Their body looked half human, and half angel actually.

It seemed their whole body, though, was wings. I looked at Error. "So...what's all of this for?" I asked. Error got the book. "I'm tired of the Deitys to have power. I want to eliminate them from this hell, this world even. Maybe other worlds, too. There's different worlds than just this one world. Deitys have control over us, and we don't. They're like cats, and we're like mice to them. I'm just done with this world. I'm done with control. I want to just be a little free. Some laws here also are stupid. Just fucked up stupid. The Deitys seem like heroes, but they aren't." Error explained.

"All of this is to kill the Deitys then?" I asked. Error nodded.  "Wow..." I mumbled. I still didn't get the angel part, though...why would people look like that? I didn't worry about it, and I decided to move on. Also, I didn't know to be impressed by what Error was doing with all of this research or to be a little scared. Or maybe both.

"Why is healing part of dark magic?" I asked. Error shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just focusing on the magic part... which is probably a bad idea." Error said. "It's not. I mean, if you want to kill Deitys, it's better to just focus on the magic part and not worry about anything else." I said.

The rest of the afternoon, we studied on the magic, each reading carefully of what it can do, and we determined if it could've affected Deitys or not. In the end, we actually had no idea since Deitys had more power, but Error reminded me that this was dark magic.

Whenever we were halfway done with the books, I was sitting on the floor, and Error was lying on the couch, his nose in the book(figuratively). I got up and got my hand behind his head. "Move your stupid head out of the way!" I said. "No!" Error argued back. "Fine then." I pushed him off the couch and sat there, reading and hiding a smile. Error got up and said, "Fine!" He layed down and got his head on my lap. I felt my face getting red, but I continued to read. I sometimes looked at him, to only see him focus on his book, which I was surprised. I thought he was uncomfortable or something, I mean, I wasn't, but I just thought he was. 

At least half an hour passed, and Error asked, "Do your parents know you're here?" "No." I responded. He looked at me. "Adelram..." "What?" I asked a little annoyed. "Your parents are going to be upset with you." "And?" "I don't want anything bad happen to you." Error said. I couldn't help but smile. Error was so perfect to me. I mean, not like stupid bitch Lithia perfect, but a nice perfect. He was way different than Lithia anyways. It seems he's more nice, and handsome. 

I couldn't see of what people thought of how Lithia was pretty or beautiful. "Why do you care about me so much?" I asked, before even thinking. 'Fuck you Adelram...' I thought to myself. To my surprise, Error just smiled and closed his eyes. "Easy. You were my first friend, and I...well, I don't know...I just care about you so much...it's a little hard to explain." He said.

"O-Oh." I said surprised. I felt myself blush and hoped that Error didn't really see it. Error got up and stretched. "How about we finish this tomorrow? Have you already read what you want?" Error asked. I nodded. "Yep!" It was a little of a lie, but I didn't want Error to be disappointed in me or something.

I know he wouldn't, but at least tell a little lie than the truth. I got up from the couch, leaving the book there, and said to Error, "Welp, here I go off to the 'wonderful wizard of Oz'!" I joked. We both knew what I meant by that. Error laughed a little. "Hopefully your  travels will be safe!" He joked a little.

"But really, be safe." Error said seriously. I nodded, and left the house.


Of course it wasn't to my surprise that my parents were angry with me. They thought I had runaway from the shitty place(house), which after they said that, I was tempted to.  They told me that the Deity's were upset with me, no surprise. Deity's hate me! "Fuck you..." I mumbled, walking to my room. Thank God they didn't hear me, or else I would've got another slap on the face. When I got into my room, I wished I had one of the dark magic books with me. 

Maybe I can try to eliminate my parents too from this world. It's not a bad idea, besides they don't give a fuck about me. All they do is yell at me, and make me throw up more. Maybe they're the reason I've been throwing up a lot, or I'm too dumb to realize another reason of this. 

Either way, along side with Lithia, I knew I would kill them. 

Author's note: Hey guys(I mean that gender neutral) this one is a little shorter and not really how I wanted it to go, but I still hope you like this. Like I've said other times, I try my best to work hard on this, and try to work on this whenever I have time for it. The next part is just going to be character description, and not another chapter, but I will still be doing chapters. Over 30 views already, and I'm proud of myself, this is a little escape from life for me. Adelram has a few problems that I have, like parents, but mine are not that strict, throwing up when you're too stressed out sometimes, getting off track or not paying attention, and people making fun of you(some people even wish I was dead, and to kill myself, and today some people in my class wished I wasn't here). I try to get my characters/OC's close as I can to have them seem real. I just wanted to do this little note of saying thank you!

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