(OLD)Note 1, Live, Recess, Throw up, REPEAT

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Warning: Vomiting bullying, and cussing
The name itself is a little mysterious but amazing. Mythia, a wonderful, beautiful, peaceful place. How I miss it...and how I don't at the same time.
Mythia is a country, one of the many countries in the world. Like others, this one is magical. Like some others, Mythia has Gods, Goddesses, and Deitys.
Where I live, well, used to, it was a village, and the village was close to a forest, where animals roamed there. Some people say it was the gods looking at us.
I didn't believe it. I've seen the rest of Mythia on a map, and I saw that there were similarities between where I live and other places in Mythia.
There are some gods in across Mythia on mountains. Where I live in Mythia, our God is supposed to be Lithia. How I remember she lied to us.
Then there's commoners/mortals. Mortals are just...simply mortals. And me? I'm a mortal.
I know what you're probably thinking. "Oh, this is going to be a story where you'll end up as a God, right?" Or "It's going to be like that TedEd video where they explain what makes a hero, a hero!"
Those two are wrong. I'm not even a hero...besides, I never ended up being a God, and I broke two laws before.

"Not for good." Someone had told me before.

Error, Me, Crystal, and Lithia, we've been friends since 3rd grade. All that changed, though, a few years back. Error and I were originally friends, then he was friends with Crystal, then Crystal introduced her big sister, Lithia, to us.
Everyone said that Lithia and Crystal were very beautiful. I couldn't see it. I never found them beautiful to me. I only saw guys cute and handsome, even though I am a guy, and I never knew why exactly, and I always thought, 'Was it normal for a guy to like another guy?'

Lithia had over the shoulder yellow hair(not blonde) with turquoise eyes and pale skin. She always had a brown pendant on her, which I never knew what it was until at least 20 years later. Lithia always wore dresses that were white, and she never had a stain on them.
Impossible, I had always thought. It felt impossible to me.
Crystal was the one that people said she was very beautiful. She had light brown hair, with a little mix of red, and it was as long as her sister's hair and a little darker skin than her sister.
She also had blue eyes... not turquoise. It seemed like a family trait to have a certain color of blue in the eyes. Then, there's Error.
I always had...adored him, it seemed like to me, till I figured out what it was. Error had dark brown skin, but it was such a handsome color to me.
He had these gorgeous light blue eyes and dark brown hair. Whenever he was older, he wore suits, which made him more handsome to me.
Then me? I had always hated how I looked since people made fun of me. I believed them. I never told my parents about it.
Besides, I throw up a lot if I think too much of what someone thinks of me. In fourth grade, it was recess, and
I was just by myself because I just felt like it. Error, Lithia, and Crystal were playing a game with the other kids, so I was by myself.
I just kind of walked around, just counting random things I saw. I was that kid who just did his own little thing, which my parents weren't happy about since I barely made friends.
I didn't even feel friends with Lithia and Crystal, only Error. Like I said, I was just walking around, mumbling to myself when a random kid walked up to me.
Couldn't remember what she looked like or what her name was. I stayed silent. "Are you that kid that throws up a lot?" She asked. I didn't answer.
"You're very weird. The other kids are right. Maybe they're right about something else. Maybe your parents are aliens. Are they? Is that why you're so ugly?"
'Fuck off.' I thought. I couldn't say it. My brain seemed to follow her lead, as it told me that same thing. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and looked at the sky, then the grass. It didn't help. I never knew why someone saying something bad to me causes me to have stress or throw up even. I walked away quickly, only half across the playground, when I threw up.
I ran to the bathroom, still feeling nauseous, and trying not to think of the throwing up when I saw Error in the bathroom, too. He was just done drying his hands when I walked in there. He looked at me and quickly walked to me, and got me to the trash can. I threw up a lot and cried. He put a hand on my back and talked to me while I threw up. I couldn't make out the words he was saying, and when I finished, he was saying how people can be cruel and judgmental. "They just like to pick on me." I had said.
Error shook his head. "Why would anyone pick on you...wait...is that what happened?" He asked. I nodded and sat down, and he handed me a paper towel to wipe my face.
He sat down next to me. He hugged me, and I blushed a little, surprised. "It's okay, Adelram! Whoever does that next time, I'll tell them to back off!" I couldn't help but laugh at that comment of what Error said.
I stopped laughing when I still felt a little sick. Error held my hand. "How about we go to the Nurses Office?" He offered.
"No!" I said, almost yelling. Error squeezed my hand, not surprised by me almost yelling. "I'll go with you, it's okay that you're scared." I looked down. I didn't want Error to make fun of me, even though I knew he won't, but I just felt like it. "I'm scared the nurse will tell my parents..." I mumbled.
Error smiled reassuringly to me. "They won't. I promise." After awhile, we both stood up, and hand-in-hand, we walked to the Nurses Office. We stopped when the nurse asked if we were together or we liked each other.
We both turned red and said different ways of "no" and "we're just friends" and other things.
The nurse gave me a mint, which only helped a little, and she didn't call my parents. When we walked out, Error nudged me at the side. "See? You're fine." He then looked concerned. "You are fine, right?" I nodded. "Yea." I responded.
He hugged me from the side. "Good!" I smiled a little at him as we walked back to class.

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