"practice" part 2

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An incredulous look. “With who, Mike, my pillow?” will said

“With me.” mike said

Mike regretted the two words before he was even done speaking. Will’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly, lips parting– and that was not what Mike should be focusing on right now. No, he needs to be focusing on remedying the fuck-up his mouth had just performed.

“I mean– not like– I just meant like, if you’re really worried about it sometimes friends will kiss to like– practice so that when they find someone to kiss for real they know how and it’s not awkward and– like getting the awkwardness out of the way, y’know?” Mike rambled, staring at his bedsheets.

Will sat stock-still beside him on the bed. He had been reading a comic book, but had since abandoned the activity in favor of gaping at his best friend. “I–“

Mike felt like he was about to pass out from shame and nervousness, but knew going back on his words would be even more suspicious. “It’s just like, for future reference, not a big deal. Plus it could help me, too, because I only ever dated El and it’s not like she’d know if I was a good kisser– not that you would either, particularly, but it’s less pressure this way because we’d just be doing it to figure out how it works, not to like…” his voice trailed off and he glanced up at Will, whose face was flushed red in embarrassment.

There were a few moments of silence before Will cleared his throat.

“I– okay.”

Mike felt his brain disappear in a cloud of smoke. “Huh?”


“Okay what?”

Will huffed. “Okay, we can practice… kissing. For future reference.”

“For future reference,” Mike repeated, staring at Will’s face. It was a perfect face. He shook himself. “Um– okay, do you wanna–“

“Now?” Will squeaked.

“Uh, yeah– I mean unless you don’t want to.”

“No, that’s… that’s fine.”


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