"practice" part 8

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Mike was still sitting with his knees folded up to his chest, but he felt too frozen to move them. Mike watched Will with bated breath.

Their lips met softly. They both paused before Will pushed in closer, mimicking what Mike had done last time. Mike did the same, feeling his breath pick up.

In the next moment Will’s hands had come up to thread through his hair as he pulled him closer desperately – Mike’s knees unfolded at the speed of light and he pushed his body forward until he was one step short of sitting directly on Will’s lap, wrapping one hand around the back of his neck and the other around his waist. Their lips were locked in a bruising game of push and pull, and barely another second passed before Mike bit at Will’s bottom lip, swallowing the subsequent gasp.

And then there was a lot of open mouths and tongues and Mike was sort of losing track of time and place and everything as his brain melted into a Will-shaped puddle. Will was making little gasping noises into his mouth and Mike thought he might start crying because he just loved Will so much. He pulled him impossibly closer – it wouldn’t be close enough even if they merged into one.

Mike’s hand curled into the hairs at the nape of Will’s neck and– Will made a very not-PG noise, which Mike thinks he could definitely stand to hear more of, but then Will tugged at Mike’s hair, prompting a responding whine, and he snapped his head back.

Before anything else could happen – which would’ve probably led to more bruised mouths and tussled hair – Mike registered the honk of a car as it was locked.

Maybe making out with his best friend on a Monday afternoon in his family living room wasn’t the best idea, because his parents and little sister were coming up the walkway.

Mike jumped up and away from Will, patting down his hair so that it looked decidedly less mussed. Will blinked at him dumbly before realizing what was happening as the voices of Mike’s family approached, and he smoothed his own hair down. He brought the collar of his shirt up to chew on, hopefully hiding how red and bitten his lips were. Mike shoved an apple slice in his mouth.

Karen and Holly walked through the door first. “Oh, Will, it’s good to see you honey,” Karen smiled at him kindly, carrying a bag of groceries on her hip. They must have gone to the store after the movie, which meant Karen headed to the kitchen after greeting Will quickly. Holly bounded upstairs to her room and Ted entered last, raising an eyebrow at the two boys – one standing stiffly and the other sitting and fidgeting – before moving past them to bring the second bag of groceries into the kitchen.

Mike and Will looked at each other before moving into action. Will grabbed his bag and Mike picked up the relatively untouched bowl of apples and glass of water. They moved towards the door and before Will turned the knob to leave, he turned back to Mike for a brief moment.

Mike stood holding the bowl and glass, elbows askew. Their eyes met once before Will shook himself and turned back around to leave, slipping out the front door.

Jesus fucking Christ.


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