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Ashanti in the mm.

This book will soon be coming to an end. I'm gonna give you guys a few more chapters only because I've made you wait so long for an update. I've had the worse writers block when it came to this book and I'm not too sure why. But thank you so much for all of your patience and support. I'll definitely be writing one shots about these two as well. ❤️

"Can you pass me the garlic powder?" Ashanti asked Marisa as she continued to cook. It's been a few days since their passionate time together. The aftercare was extra special, Marisa taking care of all three women after their scene finished.

Then, after Nadine and Kitty were fast asleep, Ashanti spent some time with Marisa, the two women drinking wine by the fire place while sharing a charcuterie board. They spoke about their dynamic and planned more scenes and actives their two subs could do together.

Marisa then dropped the news that her and her husband have decided to part ways. They came to a mutual understanding, Marisa explaining that they wanted different things. Marisa was a free spirit, while her husband was more on the conservative side.

It just wasn't meant to be. We are good friends though. I think that's more than enough.

The two women quietly decided they wanted to try a new dynamic. They knew that their lovers would be ecstatic knowing that they'd be together almost all of the time. Ashanti and Marisa agreed to test the waters, being the two dommes of the household as Nadine and Kitty submitted to both of them completely.

The last few days were peaceful, Nadine being happy to have someone to play with besides Ashanti. Her and Kitty did all types of activities, painting pictures for their dommes and doing puzzles together.

"Mama, can I have more juice?" Nadine whined as she skipped into the kitchen, Kitty following behind her and immediately wrapping her arms around Marisa.

"No juice. Dinner is almost ready, you can have it then. Did both of you wash your hands after coming in from outside?" Ashanti asked. Kitty nodded, Marisa shooting her a look that caused her to pout while shaking her head.

"No. I didn't. Nadine did." Kitty mumbled, Marisa patting her butt out of comfort.

"Go do it now, please. Would you like me to run them a bath?" Marisa asked as she looked over at Ashanti who sipped her Chardonnay.

"Yes please." Ashanti responded before handing Marisa the glass that they shared. Marisa smirked, her eyes sparkling as she sipped from the same side Ashanti sipped from without breaking eye contact.

' Stop..' Ashanti mouthed causing Marisa to smile wider while licking her lips. Nadine watched with a quirked brow, her eyes amused as she looked away quickly before getting caught. She knew Ashanti had another side to her that needed to be catered. She did her best but knew that Marisa's dominance would be more satisfying.

And she loved watching the two women together. Ashanti was more submissive than she thought. She expected her domme to put up a fight, the thought of them fighting for dominance making her aches in between her legs.

"How about I run one for us after?"

"You've just been crushing on me, huh? You've been waiting for this.." Ashanti snickered lowly.

"Yup." Nadine whispered with a snicker while running off to find Kitty. Marisa just shrugged with a smirk while sipping the wine before handing it back to Ashanti.

"It's not like we haven't been there before."

"Exactly. So what's the issue, huh kitten?" Marisa purred as she stood behind Ashanti who just continued to stir her pasta sauce into her meat. She was making homemade pasta, Marisa making the noodles from scratch while Ashanti used the tomatoes from her garden for the sauce.

"I have to speak with Nadine first. To make sure she's okay. You know that, mama." Ashanti pouted while looking up at Marisa who just stared down at her mouth.

"Well hurry up so I can sit on your face, princess."

"Oh please. You'd only do that if Kitty is watching. You're all talk."

"You know I've always been attracted to you, Ashanti. And I know you've been attracted to me too. We've done it before-"

"When we were single and didn't have to ask for consent from our submissive. Be a good girl and maybe..after I talk to Nadine?" Ashanti asked while placing her cup down on the grey marble countertop. The aroma of the fresh pasta sauce mixed with ground beef filled the large contemporary kitchen. Her red acrylic nails tapped against the counter, Marisa's slowly creeping up and lacing with hers.

"That's fine. I'll be waiting."

"Yes ma'am."

"How have you been feeling about Kitty and Marisa being here?" Ashanti asked Nadine as she tucked her into her bed. Nadine smiled as she cuddled with her teddy bear before sighing.

"It's nice. I like the way you guys interact too."

"Oh yeah? How do we interact?" Ashanti asked with a slight chuckle. Nadine just smirked, shrugging before burying her face into her pillow bashfully.

"Now now..use your words. What did you see?"

"You guys have been very close ever since our scene. It's cute. You like her. She makes you feel small like me." Nadine grinned, Ashanti rolling her eyes before sighing as she laid down next to her sub, kissing her lips softly.

"You know I love you, right?"

"I love you too mama. But I know you like her. You guys have a past. I'm okay with it if that's what you're trying to find out."

"You promise? So if they come and live here you'll be-"

"Yes! I get to have a play-sister. Duh, I'll be okay with it." Nadine responded back. Ashanti nodded with a grin, leaning in and kissing Nadine who kissed her back with just as much passion.

"Okay. So we will all talk as a family tomorrow. Okay?"

"Yes mama. I can't wait. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, princess. I love you."

"And I love you. I'll come sneak in your bed when you guys are done being nasty-"



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