Chapter 2 (Mia P.O.V)

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*** Above is a picture of Mia.


I wake up to the most annoying sound on this earth which is my alarm. Sitting up on my bed I grab my phone and immediately stop the sound. Looking at the time I wonder why I let my best friend convince me to start taking some of my classes on campus instead of continuing to take them completely online. I thought my days of waking up at the crack of dawn would be over when I graduated high school yet here I am waking up at 7 because of an 8 A.M class I have.

Groaning I kick off my bed covers and stand. As I began walking to my bathroom I'm also stretching away the sleepiness from my body. Turning on my bathroom lights I began my morning routine which consist of me brushing my teeth, washing my face, and taking a shower. Not long afterward I find myself dressing in a simple but cute outfit for class. I pull my bonnet from my head and began to take out the Flexi Rods I put into my hair yesterday. Taking out the last one I began to separate the curls and fluff my hair out to my liking. Once I'm done I grab my keys, wallet, and my bag making my way out of my room to the front door to leave.


***15 minutes later

As I'm pulling into school I get a FaceTime call request from my best friend Casey. I park my car in one of the available parking spots and then slide the button to answer the call.

"OKAY, I SEE YOU BITCH!" Casey's screaming voice says through my iPhone speaker.

"Casey stop all that yelling before I hang up on you" I say rolling my eyes at her through the camera of my phone.

"Girl stop being rude. I can't compliment my best friend?" Casey asked looking at me with an irritated look.

I sigh before saying " My bad I'm so grumpy from waking up early for this 8 A.M class I have. Plus I wasn't able to grab anything to eat because I didn't want to be late. This is my first time attending this class and I didn't want to miss anything" I say giving her an apologetic look.

" Mia, what did I tell you about eating in the morning? I knew I should have cooked you some breakfast this morning and woke you up to eat" She said the last part mumbling to herself. Casey and I lived in an apartment together not far from school. Casey had classes even earlier than me. Something about taking all her classes early as hell so she is finished by noon or 3 on most days. Before I started taking classes on campus Casey would cook me breakfast and wake me up to eat with her. I wouldn't mind because I was always able to go back to sleep when I was done eating but recently upon starting morning classes myself I've asked her to not wake me up any earlier than when I needed to be up.

" I know, I know. I'd just rather have a few extra minutes of sleep than wake up to eat. Especially when I have to wake up so early in the morning" I said. Huffing out a big breath I continued "Maybe taking classes on campus isn't for me. I feel like it's not working" I explained to Casey.

"No, No, No don't start that you haven't even been taking campus classes for 2 weeks you can't give up now. Remember how bored you would be at home after finishing your classes online? Plus you're the one who said you wanted to get the full college experience. You can't give up now you just started" She said. She was right. One of the other reasons I switched some of my classes to on-campus was that I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and get the full college experience. Being a naturally shy person it was really easy for me to just take complete online classes for the past 3 years but after some convincing from Casey and me sometimes being bored out of my mind just sitting at home I decided to give campus classes a try.

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