Chapter 5 (Alexander P.O.V)

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Breathtaking. That's the first word that came to mind as I stared back at the woman in front of me.

I had to quickly reel myself back in from the thoughts that were going on in my head.

" Well, to prove to you how boringly normal I am how about you come to a pool party with me in a couple of weeks?" I asked Mia.

She looked at me for about 5 seconds without answering before I continued speaking. " My best friend invited me and I wasn't up to going but I'm willing to go if you'll be there. It won't be a bunch of people. Just close friends and you can bring Casey." I quickly added refusing to let her decline my offer.

When she still didn't answer I looked to Casey for a little help. Hoping she would pick up on my silent plea.

" I think we can make it." Casey says looking at Mia.

" Yeah, it sounds fun. Where is it?" Mia finally replies.

" How about I come to pick you guys up and we all carpool there together" I suggested.

They both agreed by shaking their heads. Mia left soon after that while Casey and I finished up our tutoring session. I made sure to get their address before Casey left after the session. All of a sudden I was really looking forward to this pool party.


*** Day of Pool Party (A Couple Weeks Later)

I was en route to Mia and Casey's apartment to pick them up. I previously wasn't super excited about going to this pool party because somehow Ashley had got an invite. I was definitely more excited now after inviting Mia to come. I did not have any problems with Ashely I just didn't appreciate how clingy she's become over the past couple of weeks. At the beginning of our agreement, I didn't mind still doing things together and hanging out as friends even though we were fucking because in the end that's all we were, FRIENDS. However, Ashley has become increasingly more irritating to the point where I'm thinking of ending our arrangement for both of our sakes. I literally cannot take her bullshit anymore.

When she first started being affectionate towards me and treating me like I was her boyfriend I brushed and off and thought I was thinking too much into it. But now I knew I wasn't. Anytime we're around my friends she would do little things in front of them like kiss me, sit on my lap, call me baby, etc. She was doing all this lovely dovey shit which was kind of wierd to me since she's never done any of it before. But shit hit the fan for me when I was out at a lunch spot with her and she introduced me as her boyfriend to her friend who was working there.

I pulled up to Mia and Casey's apartment complex about 10 minutes later. Pulling out my phone I texted Casey that I was here and to come down when they were ready. A couple of minutes later I see Casey walking toward my car with Mia following closely behind.

I was trying not to stare at Mia but it's like her body had been personally kissed by the sun. Her skin was golden brown and so shiny. I want to run my tongue along every crease and outline of her body. She wore an orange 2-piece swimsuit set with a bright orange mesh coverup. She looked so good. I was craving to show her how good she looked with my mouth.

Shaking my head, I snapped out of my thoughts once I heard the car doors opening. Mia plopped down in the passenger seat while Casey took a seat in the back.


We had been at the party for about an hour now. I had already introduced Mia and Casey to all of the people there and was currently sitting on the edge of the pool listening to Nick spew something about how fine Casey was while I watched Mia.

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