Chapter 4 (Mia P.O.V)

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Stiring in my sleep, I reach my hand out and start to pat the bed looking for my phone. Once I grab it, I turn the screen on to discover text messages from Jose. Then it hits me that I told him I would come to his art exhibit today at 12, and it's currently 10:30. Why am I so nice? I should've just blown him off. Angry with myself, I quickly sit up in bed and immediately fall back down, regretting that action. My head is pounding, I can barely think, and I have to be at Jose's art exhibit in 1 hour and a half; how could this day get any worse? The day gets worse when I remember that the art exhibit is about a 30-minute drive from my house. So now I only have about an hour to get ready, and I have to shower, do makeup, figure out what to wear, etc. I groan and feel like I want to cry. I almost muster up the courage to skip the art exhibit and text Jose hours later, apologizing to him and telling him that I overslept, but I start to feel guilty for all our other excursions that I missed and how I promised him I'll do my best to try and make this one since it had something to do with his career field and we're friends. I pull myself out of bed and start to get ready.

Quickly grabbing my purse and phone, I speedwalk to the door. I'm running behind with only 20 minutes to get there, and it's a 30-minute drive. Walking into the living room, I see Casey by the door putting on her shoes.

" Oh, babe, I forgot about Joses's art exhibit. I'm sorry I'm leaving you to go by yourself" Casey says apologetically.

" No worries. Have a good tutoring session. I'll see you later. I'm already running behind" I say, slightly annoyed that I'm even going to begin with. I move towards the door and open it.

Casey shoos me away to my car, telling me not to worry about locking the door and that she'll lock it behind me. 


I've currently been at Jose's art exhibit for about 30 minutes, and I'm slowly planning my escape. After I arrived about 20 minutes late, Jose was gentlemanly enough to still come out and get me to walk me in. We talked, and he showed me around for a bit, but after that, he disappeared and was nowhere to be seen, which was kind of weird for Jose. I was expecting him to be towering over me the whole event to make sure I wouldn't try to sneak away from him.

I look at my phone and see that it's about to be 2 P.M. Concluding that I've stayed long enough, I look around before slowly making my way to the exit. I'll just text Jose once I'm in the car, telling him that I had to leave. I'm almost to the exit when I see Jose standing right next to the exit doors, deep in conversation with someone. FUCK! Thinking maybe he won't notice me, I keep walking, only to hear him call my name shortly after. I look up at him with the fakest smile plastered on my face.

" Hey Mia, where are you going? You've only been here for 30 minutes" Jose says when he reaches me.

" Yeah, sorry, Jose, I have an early class tomorrow, so I need to go home to get some sleep. I had a long night, and my head hurts" I say, wincing as I touch my head. He looks at me with a worried expression.

" Okay, no problem. I was just kind of hoping that we could have dinner after this at 5" He said with disappointment lacing his voice.

" Maybe some other time Jose" I say, moving past him to walk out of the building. Getting into my car, I drive home.


I pull into my apartment complex and park my car. Getting out, I walk to my door and pull out my purse for my keys to unlock the door, except my keys aren't in my purse. Signing, I try to think back to the last time I had my keys. Casey. My keys were in Casey's purse. I'm beyond frustrated at this point. All I want to do is get into my bed and go to sleep. Instead, I pull out my phone to call Casey.

" Hey, I think you have my keys in your purse" I exclaim as soon as Casey answers the phone.

" Hold on, let me check" Casey states. I hear rumbling through the phone speaker for a few minutes, and then I hear her voice through the phone speaker again.

"OMG, Mia, I'm so sorry. I was so drunk last night I must have forgotten to put them on the counter as you asked—my bad, babe. Hold on" She apologized. I then hear her speaking to someone in the distance.

"Hey Mia, can you come and get them from Alexander's place? He said he was cool with it. I'll send you his address" She states.

" Yeah, that should be fine" I say, hanging up the phone and walking back towards my car. I wait for her to send the address before driving off.

Seven minutes later, I pull up to his enormous building. Getting out, I enter the building and follow the directions given to me by Casey. Entering the elevator, I press the penthouse button and enter the code. 2 minutes later, the elevator door opens, and I'm standing in front of the most beautiful decor I've ever seen. I look around in awe and quickly notice Casey standing there with my house key in her hand.

*** Pictrure of Alexander's Penthouse

" Girl, what kind of tutor has a penthouse?!?!" I whisper scream to Casey

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" Girl, what kind of tutor has a penthouse?!?!" I whisper scream to Casey. Casey laughs and then hands me the key. Just then, I see a man coming from the back of the penthouse, which I assume is Casey's Tutor. He walks up to me and holds out his hand for me to shake while introducing himself as Alexander Hilton. He's extremely good-looking with grey eyes, pale skin, and dark hair that looks so fluffy. His face is perfectly sculpted, but it's his eyes that are truly astounding. They make me want to stare at him forever. Then the way he's looking at me makes me feel like I'm a buffet of food waiting to be fed to a starving man.

" Ah, so you're the drunk best friend Casey was just telling me about" Alexander jokes. I smile at him before replaying.

" Hi, rich boy, I'm Mia" I tease him. I'm normally shy and very reserved, but for some reason, I feel him pulling me out of my shell. He laughs at me.

" I promise I'm just like any other college student" Alexander says with a little seriousness added to his face.

" Yeah, if every college student has groupies following them around" I throw back. I'm not very familiar with the Hilton family. I didn't even know what he looked like until now, but I know enough to know that he is super rich, and every person, whether male or female, would do anything to get in with the likes of his family.

He has a nice smile, and I instantly realize that I love making him laugh. I didn't expect to be so carefree and make jokes with him. I feel like I've known him forever, even though we've just met. What came out of his mouth next surprised me.

*** Hi guys sorry it's been a while. This is a short chapter but at least it's an update lol. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for the 88 views and 8 votes. Let's get to 100 views. Until next time.

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