Chapter 7 (Alexander P.O.V)

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*** I kind of want to change the face claim for Alexander. Any suggestions?


I was feeling extremely guilty for dissing Mia and her friend to fuck Ashley. In my defense, I didn't plan for the encounter with Ashley to go the way that it did. It just kind of happened. That's why I planned to make up for it by taking Mia out tonight and showing her how much of an asshole I'm not. I knew I fucked up but I just wanted to make it right. I didn't want to give her any reason to dislike me. Not when we've barely had enough time to get to know each other. My mind was on overdrive processing my emotions while Mia sat in the passenger seat of my car.

" Sooooo...." I initiated the conversation as I briefly turned my head to look at her. She was so beautiful, especially with the outfit she had on tonight. I've had a hard time keeping my eyes to myself ever since she walked out of her apartment door.

She turned towards me before repeating what I said followed by an awkward laugh.

I started laughing too before saying "Do you go out often?"

"No, not often I'm a homebody I'm not very good at making friends. What about you Mr. Alexander Hilton?" She responded

"I go out more than I should. I'm an extrovert at heart and I have tons of friends but most of them are only around because of who I am. Sometimes I feel completely drained and alone when in reality I'm always surrounded by people." I said looking over at her to catch her reaction.

She looked at me with a sad gaze before saying "Well if you're up for it I'll be the realest friend you've ever had."

"Deal." I stated with a big smile tugging at my lips.

I didn't know Mia that well but I had a feeling we could be really good friends if we gave it a shot.


"So this all you?" Mia asked looking impressively at the club while getting out of the car.

"Yeah, my family dipple and dapple in the entertainment business. With openings like these, my parents usually prefer my brother or me to attend instead of them having to come themselves" I explained to her. She nodded her head showing me she understood and began following me to the entrance.

"Mr. Hilton" One of the bouncers acknowledged me before we were immediately led inside the club to my VIB section. I didn't plan on staying long. I planned to show up for about an hour and then take Mia back to my place to eat dinner and watch movies. I knew she didn't like crowded and busy places so I thought bringing her back to my place where we could hang out and get to know each other more would be more relaxing for her.

While walking toward my section I reached back for Mia's hand before pulling her in front of me. I put both of my hands on her waist before leaning down to her ear and asking "Is this OK?"

She nodded her head and proceeded to walk in front of me with my hands resting on both sides of her waist.

I knew how quickly something could go wrong, especially being the center of attention so I wanted her in front of me and within my eyesight at all times.

Once we made it to the section, I felt my shoulders drop with relief.


1 hour and 6 shots later Mia was begging me to go down to the floor and dance with her.

"Come on Xander they're playing Nicki, we got to get up" She exclaimed tugging on my arm and making the cutest face.

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