Once Upon a time warp...
In a galaxy very, very, very, very, far away there lived a ruthless race of beings known as... Spaceballs.
Chapter Eleven
The evil leaders of Planet SpaceBall, having foolishly squandered their precious atmosphere, have devised a secret plan to take every breath of air away from their peace-loving neighbor, Planet Druidia.
Today is Princess Vespa's wedding day. Unbeknownst to the princess but know at to us, danger lurks in the stars above...
If you can read this in the movie theater, you don't need glasses.
Space No POV
The dreadful SpaceBall One was a very long and powerful ship that caused fear and dread into the hearts of its enemies. When I say long, I mean long as it looked like it could be a bridge from America to Spain. At the very back had a big sticker that said "we brake for nobody".
Bridge No POV
Colonel and Admiral Sandurz were on their posts looking out the glass.
Ricco: Colonel Sandurz?
Sandurz: what is it, Sergeant Ricco?
Ricco:<walks over> you told me to let you know the moment Planet Druidia was in sight, sir.
Sandurz: so?
Ricco: Planet Druidic is in sight, sir.
Donovan: couldn't you just have said that?
Samdurz: you're really a SpaceBall. You know that, don't you?
Ricco: thanks, sir.
Donovan: have you notified Lord Helmet?
Ricco: yes, sir. I took the Liberty. He's on his way.
Donovan: good. That saves us time, but do it again and I won't hesitate to pull the trigger on you.
Ricco: yes, sir.
Corporal: make way for Dark Helmet!
Donovan: all rise in the presence of Dark Helmet.
All control workers, white uniform, got up as the guards, black uniform, stood on attention. The door slid open upwards revealing Dark Helmet as he walked towards the Admiral and the Colonel as the workers were all scared. Funny thing, his tie has two circles in each side of the tie's base and it looked like... well you know what.
Dark Helmet stopped as he sounded like he was choking before he put his face plate up revealing a nerd that had those Harry Potter circular glasses.
Helmet: I can't breathe in this thing.
Sandurz: we're approaching Planet Druidic, sir.
Helmet; good. I'll call SpaceBall City and notify President Skroob immediately. <picks the phone up>
Ricco: I already called him, sir. He knows everything.
Donovan: idiot.
Helmet:<puts the phone down and turns to him> what? You went over my helmet?
Ricco: well, not exactly over, sir. More to the side. I'll always call you first. It'll never happen again. Never ever!
Dark Helmet pulls out a ring that had the head of a snake but the mouth was very wide and circular.
Ricco: oh, shit! No! Please! Please, no, not that! <covers his neck>
Helmet:<puts the ring on and puts his face plate down> yes, that.
SpaceBalls: DeadMC66 Edition
FanfictionWade is the brother of Lone Star and he's a trigger happy adventurer. Admiral Donovan Sandurz is Colonel Sandurz's older brother and by the rank more successful. Princess Lena, second daughter of King Roland and younger sister of Princess Vespa, not...