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Hello All!

I would firstly like to apologize for the large update gap, but I've hit a bad case of writers block, and nothing I write for this book seems right. That being said, I am trying hard to make something for you. 

It's come to my attention though that some people are getting a little confused, not that I blame them, I should have unpublished the old story. 

For those that don't know, I'm in the process of re-writing this story. It wasn't my best, and I really wanted to give Delaney's character an update. The chapters prior to this notice are the new, re-written ones that I have updated, and those following are the remains of the old chapters. Whilst the character still has the same name, the story is liable to change and most likely will at some points. 


I'd like to ask those that read, whether or not you'd prefer I unpublish the old book to take away confusion, or whether you enjoy reading it anyway and to therefore keep it up?

Like I said, it is likely to change as I continue to re-write, but it's up to you whether you want me to keep the entire thing up or to unpublish every chapter until only the new ones remain. 

Your opinion is greatly appreciated and I am again, sorry for my lack of updates. I would also like to apologize for not responding to comments. 

I love your comments, but I have so much anxiety that I sometimes can't respond to them. Just know that I read every single one of them and I will answer at some point. 

Thank you for all of your support, votes, comments and general love for Delaney. I appreciate and love you all!

- M

Also for those asking, I imagine Scout to look something like this. With glasses and a few more freckles, though you are welcome to imagine him as however you'd like.

- I can't find the original source of the photo, and I don't have a name for the boy pictured below, apologies, if anyone knows who this is, please let me know. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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