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The following day brought about the most unlikely of scenarios. There had been a hustle and bustle in the corridor, as someone wheeled a gurney down the stretch, Dr. Edwards was there and two police officers that Delaney didn't recognize. At first, Delaney had been somewhat curious as to what was going on, but then she remembered she didn't care. 

Her priority was Beth. Her priority was keeping Beth safe and alive whilst they waited for someone to come and save them - and well, if no one saved them, then she'd have to do it herself. Meaning, she had to heal. She had to bide her time and not get side tracked with getting involved with new patients being wheeled inside of Grady. So, rather than peering at the body on the gurney, Delaney returned to her task.

Bring coffee to Gorman. 

The coffee was strong, and she was half certain it was burnt, but Gorman had asked for it strong, and so, she'd made it as disgusting as possible. He had burnt her fucking arm after all, and had acted on as if he hadn't done a thing wrong. She had met only a few people in her life that had really, well and truly made her blood boil. Even Gareth didn't instill this much hatred in her and he'd locked her up in the darkness for days to weeks, starving her. At least he hadn't touched her, or tried to.

Gorman posed an entirely different threat - one that unnerved her, in her weak, trembling state.

She had spent the majority of that morning looking at herself in the mirror, horrified by the state of her black eye and her bruised right temple. She had scratches marring the side of her jaw, and the right side of her body was bruised to hell, as it had been the side she'd fallen down on apparently. She looked like she'd been through it, and it was frustrating to see. Her body that was so desperate for a break, getting beaten that little bit more instead.

"Hi!" Beth jovially greeted her in the hall, joining her side, "You're lookin' better." The blonde was so sweet, always trying to lift Delaney's spirits. With a side glance, Beth seemed to laugh softly, "Well, I mean, you've probably looked better." A snort escaped the older woman, her hand hovering over the mug as not to spill the coffee onto the floor as she jerked. She winced softly at the following pain in her ribs. 

There was a nervous shuffle and Beth's big blue eyes darted up to her, "You gonna be okay with him?" She asked, more hushed than the last time. Delaney recalled how she had reacted upon seeing the fresh burn mark on Delaney's arm the night before. How absolutely horrified the little blonde had been, and figured she was still worried.

"With Gorman?" Delaney whispered back, brows knitting together, "Ya, I think I can handle 'im." She reached out her right hand, softly brushing her fingers down the back of Beth's head, trying to sooth the worry. The action earnt her a gentle smile. "I'm gonna be fine, Beth. Don't ya worry." But Beth did worry, clearly so, and it never failed to make Delaney think of Maggie - how the older sister had always kept an eye on her in those woods. They were both so similar in that aspect.

Beth offered her a hesitant smile as Delaney slowed to a stop in front of Gorman' office. She held his coffee in her hand and jerked her head to Beth, telling her silently to get going. Reluctantly Beth did so, walking down the hall with her head occasionally twisting back to look at Del. She knocked loudly onto the wooden door, before entering with the mug in her hand. He was sitting at his desk, reclined, with his arms folded behind his head. 

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