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Dawn leveled Delaney with a stern look when she didn't move from her spot in the hall. Her eyes were scanning Delaney's expression, taking in the small miniscule movements and logging them away. Delaney was obviously friends with Beth, this - this had been clear to the Hospital staff from the moment that they had met one another. Often Beth was found in Delaney's room, the two sitting together, conversing - and Dawn had seen no harm in it at first. 

Delaney was pretty beaten up and whilst there had been an obvious fire in her eyes, she was too weak to truly be a problem to them. With her injured ribs and her fractured wrist - Dawn had figured she was no problem at all.

But Gorman was dead now. 

Gorman had been found in his office by Dawn, scissors sticking out of his throat and she had immediately known the culprit. Delaney was his ward after all - Dawn had sent her to that room herself, and knew that she had been the last person to see Gorman alive. Her stare was hard and firm, but for now she mentioned nothing. It was wrong of her, maybe, but Gorman had been a pain in her ass for the longest of times, and whilst she abhorred cop killing - Delaney had done her a favor. 

A favor, but that didn't mean that Dawn was going to let it entirely slide. 

So she was making Delaney help the people she knew, leave without her. 

It had come through on the radio, that there was people outside who had two of Dawn's officers, Shepherd and Licari - that they were asking for a trade. It was uneven, to ask for three people and Dawn knew it - after all with Beth gone she had no ward. Noah was with them, that she knew. Delaney would only be leaving if Noah stayed and something told Dawn that Delaney would not accept that deal. 

"I know you're not deaf." Dawn stated, her eyes scanning Delaney up and down swiftly. "Beth and Carol are leaving Grady Memorial, you, are to help them." Her hand shifted to where her firearm was, resting on the clip as the previous expression of dark surprise shifted into something more schooled. Masterfully done to an untrained eye, but Dawn spotted it. She half expected Delaney to do something, perhaps look to the gun so visible on Dawn's belt, or question why, but she didn't. She stayed cool, and nodded her head once in acceptance. 

"Gotch'a," Delaney's boots squeaked against the linoleum floor as she turned on her heel to walk the direction she knew Carol's room was in. Whilst she definitely was glad to hear that the two of them were getting out, there was some part of her that mourned for the fact that she had not been included in it. Ironic really, that again, she had to be the one saving herself. Trying not to let the bitterness show on her face, Delaney made her way though the halls of Grady Memorial, wondering how long she was going to be staying in there. How long was she going to be doing this shit - till her ribs healed, till Beth found herself a gun? 

She had no idea if the girl could even shoot, but something told her that she was still full of so many surprises. 

Delaney was going to stay there - perhaps even because Dawn knew she'd killed Gorman. She must know, someone must know that he was dead by this point, and this, maybe this was her punishment.

𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂 | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥Where stories live. Discover now